22 Jun 2020  |   05:02am IST

You dream, we digitally deliver them: Pai Raikar

Many companies during the lockdown have suffered loss of business. For Valour Creations, an animation studio the story is totally different. In fact they received more assignments during this period which made them outshine many other similar animation companies. VIKANT SAHAY spoke to the managing director of Valour Creations, Vikram Pai Raikar to know about how he and his passionate team of visual innovators, content creators, technical artists and pop-culture vultures produce compelling content for digital audiences by breathing life to a character or an object.
You dream, we digitally deliver them: Pai Raikar


HERALD: You were in Bangalore but what made you come back to Goa?

VIKRAM PAI RAIKAR: Animation is a field in which you can fulfill your dream of ‘enjoy-as-you-work’, feel satisfied at the end of your day and get praise from your clients as well. It can be challenging for a small town boy to adjust in a chaotic metro-city lifestyle but the passion and obsession towards my goals motivated me to stick to my plan. I always had a vision of setting up my own business and what could have been better than setting up an animation studio in Goa. Hence, I decided to move back in 2015, to do my research first and took up a job in a local company. After realising the difference in technology and the requirement of local clients and their expectations, it was quite clear for me to take the leap and set up a company of my own. Supportive parents made it a lot easier. Inspiration can hit you from time to tim, and it is a wonderful thing. The confidence was high and there was a strong belief. Goa is a booming IT hub and I wanted to settle back in my hometown and contribute to this place where my heart belongs.

HERALD: Being in Goa what advantages you see as compared to city like Bangalore?

VPR: Bangalore already has an evolved IT ecosystem whereas Goa is an emerging IT hub which has its own challenges both in infrastructure and skilled work force. I believe that this is where the advantages begin. With animation being a niche and lucrative field, people show keen interest in it. Clients who want to showcase their products in a unique and innovative way and job seekers who show their willingness to learn and unravel their creativity. Having worked in a US-based company for four years helped me in bridging the technological gap between American and Indian market in terms of sheer quality and innovative concepts foreign markets have to offer.

HERALD: What are the new trends taking place in the field of animation?

VPR: Animation, just like any other field keeps on evolving which can be very challenging at times. Word creativity is subjective as every client has their unique tastes and requirements. So we try to get into our clients thought process to understand their version of creativity. Besides that new post production and animation techniques, augmented reality and virtual reality are the next big thing which will revolutionise the way we look at animations today. The journey to a successful career in the animation can be thrilling and overwhelming. Entertainment through film and television is the main area of application in this profession. Animation is also required other areas such as architecture, business, sales, engineering, medicine, education apart from advertising.

HERALD: How is the market behaving for you in the economic slowdown? 

VPR: You will be surprised if I say better than ever before. Change is always inevitable constant but so is the resistance to change. B2B companies are now digging deep and looking out for cost effective ways of getting the work done. We have received inquiries like never before and have managed to get quite a few projects amidst lock-down phase.

HERALD: Who are your clients and what is your target audience?

VPR: We communicate and materialise ideas through a cohesive mix of visual and audio work. Our clients are creative agencies, global brands, architects and interior designers, infrastructure developers and builders, individuals, etc. Every client has a unique target audience. Our efforts in making a video for the Goa Technology Association showcasing Goa's IT ecosystem in a gist was very well appreciated and the video was launched jointly by our Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant and IT minister Jennifer Monserrate. We strive to push creativity and technology to the limit, with revolutionary graphics solutions. Our clients can be anyone who wants to envision their ideas. You dream, we digitally deliver your dreams.

HERALD: Do you think Goa has the right ecosystem for growth of business in your field?

VPR: The animation industry in India is expected to grow at a pace faster than the IT industry. Currently Goa's IT is booming and with the ease of registering a business and getting other formalities done with not much hassle, it adds to the prospects of a favorable ecosystem. Globally too prospects in animation are increasing at a rapid pace as the entertainment, construction and gaming industry is in its development stages. Goa being a small State offers ideal work-life balance, a serene environment is perfect for innovation. The connectivity and infrastructure are fast improving and a supportive State government that's trimming the red tape, newly formed GTA for instance making it easier for startups.


Idhar Udhar