Awareness on Constitutional Rights

Awareness on Constitutional Rights
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Even in the midst of the Pandemic, Kiran Niketan Social Centre at Birla Zuari Nagar, Sancoale, Goa, caters to the downtrodden says Rekha Kulal, a married woman of 28 years, a resident of Zuari Nagar, Birla, Goa.

Kiran Niketan Social Centre at Birla Zuari Nagar, Sancoale, Goa, is one of the Social Service Centre run by the Congregation of the Sisters of Holy Family of Nazareth, Sancoale Goa, in the heart of slums area, attached with a Pri-Primary School in the same name especially for the migrant slum dwellers.

On 29th October 2021 at Kiran Niketan Social Centre a half day Awareness programme for the migrants was held for age group 13 to 28 years on “The India Constitution: Fundamental Rights”. The program was conducted by Kiran Niketan Social Centre under the guidance of its Directress and began at 9.30am. When I inquired what the purpose of the program was with Sr. Philesin D Souza the Directress, was quick to respond

- to mould the young minds

- to make them aware of their responsibility as citizens of our Country,

- To make the children, youth and adolescence mindful of their Constitutional rights and duties,

- To make them conscious of the protection and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution,

- How to defend themselves and own responsibility,

- Not to allow others to exploit them neither to exploit others for vested interest,

- To awaken in them the sense of the equality, dignity, freedom, promised by the Constitution.

The session was addressed by Miss Juliana Lohar Coordinator of ARZ General Manager. In Goa, we have an organisation called ARZ, or Anyay Rahit Zindagi (Life without Injustice), that is fighting a tenacious battle against trafficking for commercial sex work. ARZ began its social work rehabilitating commercial sex workers in Baina, Goa, in 1998, after a group of professionals from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) established the organisation in 1997. Arunendra Kumar Pandey is one of the founders and the present director of the organisation, who was part of national-level research on prostitution.

On my visit to Kiran Niketan Social Centre, when I inquired with the participants, what were the major points that were stressed, Liesel Rose Sebastian, a student, whose mother works as a Computer Teacher in the Centre, responded: she stressed on Education, that not only boys should study but every girl is entitled to learn in par with the boys. That no children should work at the young age when they are supposed to be seen in the schools. That if they see any child working in the shops or construction sites or anywhere else, to call the helpline no 1098 and file a complaint. Not to support child labour. That it is our right to study and parents should send children from the age of 6 to 14yrs to school.

Shalini Singh, aged 17 said: that we all have the right to choose our Religion and no one can force us to embrace any religion and to speak our Mother Tongue; that ours is a Democratic country and not to talk against any culture or language. Not to insult anyone.

Manjula Biradar, aged 13 studying in 8th said: Miss Lohar told us, that we must respect our National Flag and National Anthem, obey the laws of our Country; safeguard public property, pay taxes, protect and preserve cultural heritage sites, environment and strive for excellence.

Miss Juliana Lohar, spoke on the Indian Constitution, it’s Preamble and stressed on Fundamental Rights and duties, with a detailed explanation of the fundamental rights along with the article no. by an interesting PowerPoint presentation said Usha Lamani first year BA student, aged 18, a resident of Lamani Colony, Birla.

She continued: Lohar was repeatedly saying, every child have the right to study; do not discriminate on race, colour, language; whether fat or thin, respect everyone; everyone is of value and everybody have the right to work.

I saw Zaki Kittur, waiting to speak. She is 16 years, doing her eleventh, a resident from Birla, do you want to say something I queried? She said that Miss Juliana, also spoke about the National bird, Number of States and the latest State. Who wrote the National Anthem? Who was the first President of India? Who is called the Father of the Nation? And that Mahatma Gandhi fought against the might of the British using two weapons: Truth and Non-violence. And that we should also not indulge in violence.

Seeing the children speak, Aarthi Upadhyay who was present that moment, aged 28, from Masjid, Zuari Nagar, spoke in Hindi saying: you know sister, when for two three months, all shops were closed and we didn’t have anything to eat, Sr. Philesin De Souza, the Directress of Kiran Niketan Social Centre, put her life at risks, inspite of the place being cordoned, marked as ‘Red Zone’ distributed free ration and masks for us. Sister D Souza gives free tuitions for our children at the Social Centre; provides free books, clothes and helps us when we are in need of moral support. Listen’s to our grievance.

Based on the topic to brush their mind Sr. D Souza conducted a quiz for the participants on the above general questions. The students remembered what was told and gave the right answers.

The half day sessions wound at 12:30 pm as the participants thanked Miss Juliana Lohar for her valuable inputs.

After the session the other participants spoke to Sr. Philesin D Souza:

I dropped out of school at the age 10 (fifth grade). My both parents were working in a nearby industry. Being the eldest among the siblings in order to take care of my siblings I was removed from the school by my parents in 2015. Two years I stood at home all day doing nothing. I remember Sr Melvira Borges sfn, who was helping Sister D Souza, she would come for visits telling my mother constantly to allow your child to complete her studies; that this is her age to study and not to do household work. Not only boys but girls also have equal right to study. My mother listened to the sister and sent me back to school. Thanks to the Sr. Borges. Today, I could finish my10th. Today’s session was on Indian Constitution, Rights and duties. It made me aware about our Rights as a student and our duties towards our Nation. Rights are the privileges and duties are our responsibilities, expressed Bharti Rathod a 10th Std student, aged 17.

Swarti Morya a student of 14 years studying in the 9th Std, was quick to say: I always wondered why only grown-ups vote and not given chance for us? Today’s session made me aware why children below 18 cannot vote. Why, because, we don’t have proper knowledge about the election, government, civic duties, rights and duties of the government and its works, and after 18 years we become mature and can fully decide for ourselves and can understand, as we see what is happening in the society; that we can choose the right person to vote, without any pressure. Yes, the session was very inspiring and I learned what is our right and duties as an Indian.

Today’s session helped me to grow in my knowledge about India’s Constitution, who were the people involved and how they began. I was more touched by the 6 Fundamental Rights that is Rights to Equality, Rights to Freedom, Rights against Exploitation, Rights to Freedom of Religion and Culture, Rights to Education and Rights to Constitutional Remedies. I will try to follow these Rights with positive manner and I will teach others to do the same declared Asha Lamani, aged 14, a resident of Lamani Colony, Birla and a student studying in the 9th Std, at St. Joseph Convent High School, Nagoa Pirni, Goa.

She continued, we wanted to know more. The time passed so fast. The session on rights and duties was very enlightening and inspiring. I got lot of knowledge. We were very much interested in the whole session.

Kiran Niketan Social Centre, is indeed and brings a ray of light in the lives of these people, the poor urchins, the beloveds of God.

Herald Goa