27 Jun 2021  |   04:34am IST

Hotels fear shutdowns as much as lockdowns

The lockdown has been extended even further and you never know what could happen. Are hotels and restaurants reaching a panic mode. Will hotels and restaurants shut down for good which could have a traumatic effect on the industry
Hotels fear shutdowns as much as lockdowns

This virus will be remembered decades later for the death and destruction it wrought on the population. It destroyed lives and livelihoods. The hospitality industry is to put it mildly in dire straits. Some of the large five star brands in the state are feeling the heat too though one is willing to say it on record. For some of the smaller hotels and restaurants it is a very tough time. Have they reached the end of the tether so to speak? Members of the industry expressed their serious concern at the state of affairs.

Serrafin Cota who heads the Association for Medium and Small hotels said it was a serious problem they were facing. He said “The virus is here and there is a lockdown. We cannot blame the government for that. If we were open, it would have been a bigger mess. My concern is if we lose December, then it will really be a very big problem. We cannot counter the government’s stand now because they are right and we have to stay closed. We believe the more we stay shut, it will get better. Remember now even if we are open it makes no sense because everyone else is shut. Just look at the states around us, they are shut. No one will come and those who will come will not be the crowd we want. It is a really tough situation but we have to just bear it and hope for the best.”

Savio Messias who is a hotelier and was the former head of the TTAG said the situation was very bad on the ground. He said “It is already happening; many hotels want to sell and are up for sale. It’s going to happen. It is very difficult for hotels to sustain. Restaurants are shutting down, I know of a couple that are up for sale. They are selling hotel and restaurant equipment. I know of quite a few places up for sale”. He went on to say the government seemed unconcerned and was not bothered about providing any relief to the industry. He said people who had taken properties on lease were now notable to manage. Some had managed to reduce the amount to be paid but it was still a burden. He said he had personal experience having given a hotel on lease. He expected more hotels and restaurants to come up for sale the longer the lockdown continued.

Tito Proenca said the lockdown depended entirely on the positivity rate. That was one factor to be considered, he said the other being that even if Goa opened, Maharashtra and places like Bengaluru were either closed or almost closed. He however expressed the vaccination hesitancy amongst Goans which ensured many vaccination centres were only thirty five percent occupied. He however felt there was no need to panic and felt the situation would improve in Goa.

Jacob John, a seasoned professional in the industry, felt the situation in the state was definitely a source of concern. The future he said was uncertain. He said “ We have heard the third wave is coming soon. The hoteliers depend on tourists coming to the state. This situation has left a lot of hoteliers almost at breaking point. If there is no support from the government; the stakeholders will either sell the hotel or outsource the business. Once all the equipment is sold and the property lying vacant, it is then a piece of real estate that can be sold off.”

Yes there were contrarian views. Aurelio Ribero GM of Serene Waters a property in Ribanderfelt this sense of anxiety was basically being felt investors from outside Goa, where as he was Goan and felt the situation would improve. He had no complaints and expressed confidence the clients would come when everything opened up.

The industry is in turmoil without a doubt and everyone will hope the situation settles and ensures, restaurants and hotels open up. Thousands of jobs depend on that. To think otherwise is too scary to contemplate.


Iddhar Udhar