In a league of his own

Andre de Souza has been able to create a distinct niche thanks to his melodious renditions in various tiatrs over the years and he continues to be popular even after moving to the UK having sung in a majority of tiatrs in that country
In a league of his own
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Noted for his melodious voice, Andre Pedro de Souza, popularly known as Bab Andrew on the Konkani stage, hails from Zuari, Goa Velha village in the Tiswadi taluka. Born on November 30, 1966, his father, late Pedro Manuel de Souza, who was known as ‘Chin Pedro’ in the village, would render songs while he was serving in Kuwait.

Andrew’s cousin, Caetaninho de Souza from Britona, was quite famous at the All India Radio (AIR) as he would compose and render songs at the radio station. After his primary education in the Queen of Angels Primary School, he joined St Andrew’s School, Goa Velha where he studied till class VI.

Andrew completed his matriculation in Fr Agnel High School, Pilar, followed by higher secondary studies at Fr Agnel HSS. During his academics in school and college, he was in the forefront participating in all the cultural activities.

“At a certain period of time songs of Alfred Rose were quite popular,” Andrew recalls, and he would render them with ease. “As a teen, when sports activity was organized by the youth of Morgadwaddo,” he continues, “a singing competition was also held for all those in that ward.”

At a tender age of 7, Andrew rendered a song of Alfred Rose ‘Aeroplane-ak Uzo’ and he picked up the first prize, which carried a scent bottle. Thereafter, participation in singing competitions at Casa do Povo helped him to pick up many prizes in the male category, while Veena Pegado would be the winner in the female category.

“Zuariwaddo would celebrate two feasts annually,” Andrew shares, “namely the feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor in October and feast of the Queen of Angels (Anjeamchi Ranni) in April.” On those auspicious occasions there would be two tiatrs staged by the ward members and he would participate as a singer and actor on stage.

In 1993, Andrew penned and staged his own tiatr ‘Favo Zalear Di’ for the feast of Queen of Angels in the month of April and the same production was later staged at Kala Academy (KA)’s annual tiatr competition. Thereafter, at KA’s tiatr contest he joined the troupe from Merces led by Avito Fernandes and won the first prize for solo singing in tiatr ‘Mullam’.

Next, at the same competition, he found an entry in Philip Jose Rosario’s tiatr “Resperachea Adlea Disa’ and won ‘best actor’ award. “It was just one garden scene on stage with Felcy,” he recounts, and then he passes away in the tiatr.

Participation in the KA’s tiatr competitions helped Andrew pick up several prizes in singing in the solo, duet, trio and quartet categories. His entry on the professional stage came about when Jackie Jose from Santa Cruz, a contractor of tiatrs, approached Caiado Brothers and he found a place in Prem Kumar’s tiatr ‘Tum Modem Poddonaka’.

“For the first show of the tiatr,” Andrew recalls, “there was audience appeal, which the director noted. And he asked me to render two songs for the following shows of the production.”

Andrew’s next entry was in C Alvares’ tiatr ‘Tuka Kiteak Poddlam?’ and this production enabled him to make a trip to Mumbai. “Before stepping on stage for rendition,” he informs, “Anil Kumar would make a grand introduction and it was a moment of pride.”

Andrew’s participation in commercial tiatrs continued in Jr Nelson’s tiatr ‘Ghara Gelo’, followed by Mariano Fernandes productions ‘Devache Vhodd Upkar’, ‘Dilear Dev Na Tor Devchar’, ‘’Ek Ghor Chear Vantte’, ‘Soglleank Nomoskar’, ‘Amkam Xanti Di’ and ‘Devacho Ghutt Dev Zannam’.

Andrew was also part of Tony Dias’ productions ‘Maim Ti Maim’ (Part I & II), ‘Argham Tuka Dhonia’ and a musical show ‘Goa to Bombay’. A longer stint followed in comedian Dominic’s troupe where he rendered his theatrical service for almost 13 years.

Some of the productions in which Andrew appeared as an actor and singer include ‘Nov Mhoine’, ‘Sukha Fulam Koxttam Kantte’, which completed 125 shows, ‘Matiechem Bhangar Korun’, ‘Rupem Bhangar Maginaim’, ‘Mog Mogan Jie’ and others.

Andrew also found an entry in Roseferns’ production ‘Pager’ as a replacement, followed by tiatrs ‘Fuge’ and ‘Vhoir Marlolo Fator’. He also made his appearance in Milagres de Chandor’s tiatr ‘Aramachem Ghor’, besides being a part of Patrick Dourado and John D’Silva’s dramnatic troupes.

When Tiatr Academy of Goa (TAG) organized a programme under the banner ‘Somplolea Tiatristancho Ugddas’, Aniceto and Succor de Santa Cruz presented musical shows with songs by Alfred Rose and H Briton respectively. In the former, he rendered two solos and one duet along with his daughter Andrea, while in the latter it was solos. He was also part of Succor de Santa Cruz’s musical show ‘Bharot Amcho Des’, where he rendered patriotic songs.

Under the banner ‘Somplolea Tiatristancho Ugddas’, Andrew also had another musical show with 23 songs of M Boyer, laced with comedy by comedian Dominic and Luis Bachan. Under the mantle of Robert Cabral, when Youth Creations, Taleigao organized musical shows annually, he was also part of four presentations.

In 2008, when Andrew paved his way to Cayman Islands (Grand Cayman), he was part of Rafael Noel’s tiatr ‘Mhaka Khoim Dhorla’. He was also part of his tiatrs in Goa as well. In 2013, when he moved to the UK, he found entry in Joslyn Furtado’s two tiatrs ‘Bye Bye London’ and ‘Bhurgeak vo Dhormak’, followed by Peter de Merces’ tiatrs ‘Bhirant’, ‘Diaz’ and ‘Okman’.

Andrew has also been part of tiatrs staged by Fr Lucas Rodrigues sfx which include ‘Fator ani Mati’, ‘Vadollan Rombla Nagor’, ‘Uxir Rosteachi Rundai’ (I&II). He has also acted in tiatrs staged by Babit de Zuari, Simon Gonsalves, Lawrence Camilo and Salu de Loutolim.

Andrew claims that he has acted in 95 percent of tiatrs staged in the UK. Apart from tiatrs, he has found entry in musical show by Vithal de Agasaim and one-act plays by comedian Succor.

Brushing aside political songs, Andrew enjoys composing decent songs, especially solos and duets, with the latter rendered mostly with his daughter Andrea. He has also rendered trios on stage along with Tony de Ribandar, Tommy, Francis de Tuem, Ulhas Tari and Hortencio, besides trios on the YouTube Channel with Cajie de Braganza, Victor de Ribandar and Nicky Carvalho.

Being a singer on the tiatr stage, Andrew has three audios, namely ‘Sonvsar Konnancho’, ‘Maim-Paik Sambhall’ and ‘Gheiat Punn Diat’ to his credit. He also has one VCD ‘Chear Follam’, besides rendition of songs in around 150 albums and VCDs.

Herald Goa