Lucio’s tribute to the Soil and Soul of Goa

An outstanding Konkani essayist of his time, late Professor Lucio Rodrigues’ debut book, ‘Of Soil and Soul and Konkani Tales’, is a compilation of essays encompassing his wealth of knowledge of Goa. A revised edition of the book, ‘Abolim’, was recently released on the birth centenary of this multifaceted gentleman who headed the Department of English Literature (1964-73) at the Dhempe College of Arts and Science
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Remembered as a personable, affable and considerate gentleman with an endearing love for his homeland Goa, Lucio Rodrigues (1915-1973) made an invaluable contribution to the legacy of Goa. Encapsulated in a collection of essays, ‘Of Soil and Soul of Konkani Folktales’, published posthumously, the book is a revelation of his in-depth and genuine knowledge of Goa, preserving the legacy of Goa for posterity. An authority on Goan Folklore, he contributed frequently to various local and national newspapers and periodicals. Garnering international acclaim as a student of folklore, he was invited as a visiting professor of Folklore at Indiana University, USA in 1969.

On his 100th birth anniversary, Goa and particularly his colleagues and students from Dhempe College of Arts and Science where he headed the Department of English Literature (1964-73), recently paid tribute to this multifaceted personality by releasing a revised edition of his book, titled, ‘Abolim’.

“He was a lover of the Konkani language. His collection of folktales, which he translated into English, is a precious treasure trove. His writings remind me of Mario Miranda’s paintings. It reflects a deep knowledge of the people and their culture, traditions, their prejudices and relationships. He was deeply involved in Goa and knew it inside out. His book is a realistic portrayal of Goan society through the ages. His essay, ‘To Konna’lo’, is a moot reference to the caste system. His sense of humour and satirical perspective not only make it an interesting read but also make these writings important pieces of sociology,” avers retired professor and eminent theatre personality Isabel St Rita Vas, who was privileged to be associated with Professor Lucio, both as a student and as a colleague.

Beyond the literary field, Professor Lucio was an accomplished musician. “He was a lover of classical music as well as a student of vernacular music like the ‘Mando’ and ‘Ovi’. He was immersed in literature and music and the rhythms of poetry and he conveyed this love to his students,” remembers Isabel. A fact endorsed by another retired professor of the college, Ramola Antao.

His patriotic leanings were also well documented. “He was a well-known freedom fighter and was a member of the Indian National Congress in Bombay. He returned to Goa after Liberation,” informs Isabel of this Anjuna native who made Panjim his hometown.

In a befitting tribute to their mentor, professor and colleague, author Maria Aurora Couto, Professor Rabin Pinto as well as Professor Isabel St Rita Vas, Professor Ramola Antao, Professor Edward De Lima and Chico Fonseca, among others, spoke reverentially about a man who left a lasting impression on them and the legacy of Goa. 

Herald Goa