UK comedian set to create history in Goa

Comedian Agostinho is planning to get his new tiatr ‘Past Is Past’ to Goa, after creating waves in the UK. He is flying down with his entire cast, including two UK-based musicians, to Goa, thus creating a history of his own
UK comedian set to create history in Goa
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In the field of tiatr, there have been path breaking tiatrists who have created history. Some tiatrists introduced novelties on the Konkani stage while others, left a lasting impression in the hearts of the audience. Some of those noted tiatrists of yester years are still remembered today for their experiments on stage.

Other tiatrists, especially the tiatr directors, along with their respective troupes, have equally made a trip abroad and staging their shows at venues never visited before, have also created history, thus opening new avenues for other tiatrists to follow.

There was a period when tiatrs were not quite popular in Goa and renowned tiatrists from Mumbai would plan and schedule their new productions in Goa. After striking a deal with the producers and stage managers, the entire troupe from Mumbai would descend in Goa and after successful staging of a couple of shows in Goa, would return home, content, entertaining the tiatr fans in Goa.

Over a period of time, tiatr directors from Goa paved their way to the Gulf countries. After obtaining a quick visa and completing all the formalities, the entire troupe would fly to various parts in the Gulf, namely Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and entertain the tiatr lovers settled abroad.

When the expenses started surpassing their restricted budget, only the main cast would be selected by the tiatr directors to make trips abroad. And the rest of the cast, including the musicians, would be handpicked from among the tiatr fraternity settled abroad. Of late, staging of tiatrs by the Goan tiatr directors have declined drastically in the Gulf. Trips to Gulf countries were a regular feature in the past. The best of tiatrs staged in Goa would be selected and booked for shows in the Gulf.

With a good majority of tiatrists already migrating to the UK for their daily bread, staging of tiatrs by UK-based tiatr directors in the European countries have become the latest trend. There are several new productions already lined up for different seasons and due to lack of entertainment via tiatrs in the UK, every new release is a crowd puller.

More than the tiatrs staged in Goa, there are tiatrs being staged on regular intervals in the UK. Undoubtedly, there are tiatrs staged in Goa by a handful of tiatr directors, but the attendance of the audience is on the decline. And the fear of ‘tiatr’ facing a slow, natural death in Goa is already gripping the Goan tiatr fans.

In the recent past, tiatrs penned and directed by the Goan tiatr directors have also paved its way to the US and Cayman Islands, thus creating a history of its own. Tiatrs staged there have also received an overwhelming response from the Goan community settled in those countries.

Several tiatrs by the Goan tiatrs directors have paved way to the UK. Some directors have managed to take the entire troupe abroad, while others had to face restrictions due to non-availability of visa and other formalities. But now, comedian Agostinho is planning to get his new tiatr ‘Past Is Past’ to Goa, after creating waves in the UK. He is flying with his entire cast, including two UK-based musicians, to Goa, thus creating a history of his own.

Speaking about his immediate plans with tiatr ‘Past Is Past’, comedian Agostinho said that 16 shows have already been scheduled in Goa. And with good response in England, Scotland, Ireland and France, with shows staged at ten venues including Sudbury, Villiers, Swindon, Bridgwater, Reading, Brackley and Feltham, he is expecting a crowd puller in his hometown as well.

“My tiatrs penned and staged in Goa in the past have always received a good response from the tiatr fans, both in the cities and villages,” reveals comedian Agostinho. “My tiatr audience knows the capability of my script and direction and confidence follows the success of my new production,” he mentions.

The cast in comedian Agostinho’s tiatr ‘Past Is Past’ will include Salu de Lotulim, Mathew Araujo, Bunty Vaz, Laurent Pereira, Andrew de Zuari, Nicky Carvalho, Olavo Gomes, Luis Bachan, comedienne Janet, Swizel Almeida, Jasba and Andrea. The musicians from the UK will be Framton (keyboard) and comedian Agostinho’s son Aidan (trumpet), while the musicians from Goa to join them include Senon (trumpet), Daniel (bass) and Jack (drums).

From among the artistes in comedian Agostinho’s troupe, Bab Andrew says that he is all excited to come down to Goa in order to entertain the Goan tiatr fans with his songs and minor entry. His daughter, Andrea is equally excited to regale the tiatr audience by her acts in the new production.

In the past, comedienne Janet, who has been tickling the funny bone of the tiatr lovers in Goa with comedian Agostinho and late Selvy as her immediate stage partners, is thrilled to make a comeback on the Goan stage for the love of tiatr and the Goan audience. She’s accompanied by her daughter, Swizel Almeida, who will also pull up her comical shoes at shows chalked out in Goa.

Herald Goa