Free for Freedom

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Humans are the only creatures on earth with reason and free will. This makes humans special creatures among all others to enjoy God’s creation and freely offer thanks and praises to their creator. Freedom is the fundamental right that ought to be respected and honoured at all times. Consequently, it is imperative to understand the implication of what it means to be free for freedom. 

Peter Marshall once said, “May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please but as the opportunity to do what is right.” Ordinarily, humans in their true nature would decipher this aspect of freedom without any hesitation to dwell in peace and happiness. However, corrupt human nature desires power and dominance over others, which distorts the objective reality and creates confusion and chaos in society. To that effect, Abraham Lincoln said, “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” People in jail long for freedom. People living under an oppressive government also long for freedom. The Indian freedom fighters understood the true human nature, ‘free for freedom’, and vigorously and sincerely, in unison with the people of the nation, fought for freedom from foreign occupation. Since 1947, on August 15, Indians have proudly celebrated Independence Day, as we recall the great and noble sacrifice made by many during the freedom struggle. However, the reality of human nature, ‘Free for Freedom’, is not a guarantee given on August 15, 1947, but an opportunity for a constant quest for freedom to rise up to true human nature to live in true freedom for peace and happiness. Eleanor Roosevelt provides a profound insight for sinful humankind: “True patriotism springs from a belief in the dignity of the individual, freedom, and equality not only of one’s nation but for all people on earth.” If, therefore, freedom is our fundamental right as also enshrined in our constitution, do all Indians enjoy this right in free India?

You can think of freedom as the condition in which you have the choice to love any friend you wish. Siddarth Gautama, in reaction to many other things, fought against the established religion in India at the time - Hinduism (Brahminism) for denying this freedom. The social caste system as described by Hindu Dharma is contrary to freedom and was likely one of the biggest factors in the development of Buddhism. The caste system is an antithesis of true human nature, ‘Free for freedom’, for it enslaves humans and dehumanises those on the low strata of society. Buddha levelled the hegemony of the Brahmin caste, who had created fear in society of having direct access to the gods through rituals. Recalling the goal for both Hindus and Buddhists is to escape the samsaric cycle of rebirth. In Buddhism, anyone who understood the teachings of the Buddha could achieve salvation, and Brahminism no longer remained a privileged class. Gautam Buddha proposed a middle path that truly enlightens and liberates humans from the clutches of pain and sorrow. The middle path teaches adherents to avoid extremes, meaning neither a life of luxury as a prince nor starving himself. For good reason, Hinduism accepts Buddha as a ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Mallikarjun Kharge, questioned right-wing Hindutva proponents as to why they didn’t accept the thoughts of Buddha when they said that Buddha was the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. 

Recalling the noble past of Hinduism, Kharge said they accept the eight avatars and respect their thoughts. But, when it comes to the ninth avatar (Buddha), they not only disagree with the Buddhist thought, but they also make every effort to kill the Buddhist thought.

Freedom to practice one’s religion is a fundamental right. The existence of human beings on earth is for this very reason: to know the truth (God) and follow the truth in freedom to achieve peace and happiness. Post-Independence India, this right to freedom of religion has come under several scrutiny, and post-2014, it is under serious threat. Several states in India have passed anti-conversion laws, mainly to appease the majority community for votes and also to please the right-wing Hindutva ideologues (RSS) by going against the Indian Constitution. The right to freedom of religion is well described in Articles 25, 26, 27, and 28 of the Indian Constitution: before the State, no religion shall be given preference over the other. Citizens are free to preach, practice, and propagate any religion of their choice. The father of the Indian Constitution, Dr Ambedkar, understood the danger emanating from certain forces vis-à-vis religious freedom and chose to convert to Buddhism in Nagpur. The father of modern India, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, fought for many issues that plagued Indian society, especially Sati. He campaigned against the caste system, untouchability, superstitions, and use of intoxicants. He also founded the Atmiya Sabha to campaign against idolatry, caste rigidities, meaningless rituals, and other social ills. 

In free India, where do we stand vis-à-vis freedom? Many are lynched in the name of cows under the patronage of the present dispensation. The minorities in India live not in freedom but in fear, and it is at the behest of the Hindutva ideology. Without a doubt, in India, ‘Free for Freedom’ is a distant reality.

In the midst of chaos and darkness, a bright light shines for the whole of humankind, an epitome of ‘Free for Freedom’. The woman, Mary, Mother of Jesus, is assumed into heaven with body and soul after having lived an unblemished life filled with grace while on earth. Let us not pretend; sin takes away our freedom, and sinfulness in society then compounds the woes by false teaching and evil desires. The wages of sin are enslavement, suffering, and death, which we all suffer from, but life of grace, “Mary, woman full of grace,” is freedom, peace, happiness, and eternity. The purpose of human existence and its destiny is summed up in Mary and in her assumption, which the church celebrates on August 15. The purpose of human existence on earth is to know the truth. Aristotle sums up this purpose in these words: “Men by nature desire to know, and the object of his desire is truth.” In Indian context, it is said, humans are on a relentless search for truth. Jesus concurs with human nature and says, “Know the truth, and truth shall set you free.” The million-dollar question in everyone’s mind is the same question Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, “And what is truth?” Jesus asserted himself, saying, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Mary conceived this truth in her womb; in utmost love and care, she held it for nine months and then freely and joyfully gave it to the world. From the beginning, Mary was ‘Free for Freedom’ in spirit and truth. For that reason, the Almighty assumed her into heaven with body and soul to be a sign and hope for the whole of humankind. Independence Day should remind us of our true nature, our final destination; hence, let freedom reign, for we were created ‘Free for Freedom’.

(The author is a Priest based at Pilar, Goa)

Herald Goa