For, strangely, the bakers of Goa have been ignored by successive governments, their issues remaining unmet. Another reason for this perhaps is the fact that they do not constitute a vote bank within a small area, they being spread out across the State. Compare this to the taxi unions that have in the past, not any longer, been able to command the government and get their will. The bakers have been unable to do so. There was a time some years ago, when the bakers had wanted to increase the price of bread from Rs 3 to Rs 4, but the then government had asked them to maintain the price and promised that it would pay them the extra Re 1 per loaf to meet their costs as a sort of subsidy. That promise never did materialise, and the bakers had to go ahead and increase the rate to Rs 4 a loaf, the price the Goenkar is now paying for the pao.