11 Aug 2021  |   05:38am IST

Letters to the editor (11 August 2021)

Letters to the editor (11 August 2021)

Rape of the spirit

The brutal rape and murder of a nine-year-old girl sent shock waves in the entire country. And yet once again, we witnessed political parties, media, NGOs, activists springing into action to bring justice to the aggrieved party. 

The State Government announced a financial package to the family. A magisterial inquiry has been ordered. 

Now, we are waiting to see the usual cornering of the Government by the opposition and the Centre blaming the State for its incompetence and vice-versa. And of course, this entire issue will be sensationalised by the media, with little regard to the victim or her family's sense and sensibilities. 

But in this entire drama, did the perpetrators of the crime or their kind get any stern message? It is high time that capital punishment be awarded for such crimes, and only eliminating such criminals will discourage sick minds and ensure a decline in rape cases.

As for now, this case too may be heading in the same direction of a long, tedious struggle for justice. Let’s pray that it does not take the trail of 'justice delayed is justice denied.'

Altaf Shah, Vasco

SRI technology to boost paddy cultivation

A woman farmer Pratibha Velip from Netravali reportedly got an opportunity to engage in a virtual interaction with PM Narendra Modi. The Prime Minister lauded her work, especially for using the new technology for cultivating several crops in addition to paddy. Velip has been successful in carrying out coconut-based mixed cropping system, wherein she grows areca nut, cashew and banana.

It is learnt that the woman farmer who received training from the Directorate of Agriculture has been using the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technology in order to grow paddy in her fields. The System of Rice Intensification involves cultivating rice with as much organic manure as possible, starting with young seedlings planted singly at wider spacing in a square pattern; and with intermittent irrigation that keeps the soil moist but not inundated. SRI is a farming methodology aimed at increasing the yield of rice produced in farming.

It is a low-water, labour-intensive method that uses younger seedlings singly spaced and typically hand weeded with special tools. The system was fully tested and spread throughout the rice growing regions of the world. Use of SRI technology increases yield, saves water, reduces production costs, and increases income and these benefits have reportedly been achieved in 40 countries.

The Directorate of Agriculture needs to train farmers in the SRI technology so that they yield more produce by spending less money.

Adelmo Fernandes, Vasco

Let’s play our part  to eradicate Covid

It gives us some solace to know that @ 3 lakh persons in the State are now fully vaccinated i.e. almost 25% of Goa's eligible population is now relatively safe against Covid. Also over 10 lakh out of the targeted @ 12 lakh have been administered at least one dose of the vaccine. Though the numbers are heartening compared to figures for the rest of India, it will be too early to take our eyes off the Covid ball; we need to vax all Goans by the end of the year to really have a chance of near eradicating Covid.

It must be understood that the person getting vaxed is not only protecting himself/herself but his family, neighbours and office colleagues too. The government is doing all it can given its limited healthcare resources but we as individuals should play our part by adhering to Covid appropriate behaviour and putting all social and religious congregations on hold till such time as the infectivity rates fall within manageable limits.

We may possibly not be able to completely eliminate Covid from our midst but we can surely blunt its spread enough to make new mutant strains in future ineffective.

Vinay Dwivedi, Benaulim 

Judiciary accountable to Rule of Law

Knocking on those doors of the temples of justice should have been the last resort. Unfortunately in Goa it has become the first stop. With so many faulty government decisions and a state of  mal administration, the judiciary has to play a crucial role in delivering justice.

Every case should be judged on merit. A good judge has to be extremely fair and never be influenced by any factor other than the rule of law. Justice can sometimes taste unpleasant but has to be swallowed like a bitter pill. Justice is one of the few commodities that should never be bargained. 

Accepting the position of a judge is a very big challenge. One has to sacrifice one's personal liberty to a great extent. This noble task may not be financially rewarding but it must definitely give one the mental satisfaction of having done a noble job. The bedrock of our democracy is the rule of law and an independent judiciary, which is truly independent. A judiciary that is accountable only to the Rule of Law.

Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar

Quid Pro Quo?

Goan customs and cultures, religious harmony, Goan brotherhood and our heritage passed on to us by our ancestors have started to liquidate slowly since BJP took over the governance. A bill passed a few days back to ensure votes are secured for the upcoming elections the BJP brought into force to legalise land for migrants by naming the bill as "Bhumiputra Adhikar bill" the name of the bill itself proves that it has been introduced to favour and secure a place to be owned by anyone including migrant who's been staying in Goa for 30 years.

It's clear that this bill has been passed to gain confidence of the migrants to have a "Quid pro Quo" (Give and take) deal in exchange for their votes. Late Manohar Parrikar, ex-CM of Goa, had promised to give Goa Special Status if BJP came to power but swiftly took a U-Turn after the win, but BJP did not stop there. Now they want to put an icing on the cake by simplifying the procedure for Goa to be taken over by migrants.

Deforestation in the name of development and endangering human lives by interfering with our ecosystem has been their trademark and it goes on and on, inflammation in the rate of unemployment and crime rate has hit the benchmark in the history of India. Goemkarponn and our identity are in danger and at the verge of extinction. 

Our constitutional rights have no power because dictatorship has taken over, our voices are being silenced by means of misuse of law, we have no freedom and our women are in danger as rapist are being protected by politicians that we are being told that the parents are responsible for their children. Now the time has come to get rid of this party who is focussed more on migrants and are surviving on our tax money without giving a damn about Goa. Goa is being sold and so is our identity.

Savio D'Costa, Chandor

Two significant events on Aug 15

On August 15 every year, Catholics celebrate two great significant and related events. One is the feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Virgin Mary and the other is Independence Day. The reason as to why these two events are related to each other is because they are both about freedom. Independence Day is celebrated as freedom from foreign rule and domination to self-rule and governance of our country and the feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Virgin Mary may be seen as freedom from this limited and incomplete life to a bliss of eternal and perpetual life.

There is indeed a happy coincidence to celebrate our Independence Day on the feast day of the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother Mary. It is to our Blessed Mother Mary that we dedicate our country as she is our patron saint.

Jubel D’Cruz, Mumbai


Idhar Udhar