Letters to the editor ( 15 December 2021)

Letters to the editor ( 15 December 2021)
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A bold Initiative from Herald

Kudos to Herald to announce in loud and clear terms that it will oppose vehemently any party that ‘touches’ defectors and thereby compelling such persons to dig their own political graves. It's not the first time that Herald newspaper took such a bold initiative to cleanse Goa's politics from opportunists who keep looking for greener pastures when the going gets tough on the turf on which they got elected.  Unfortunately, we Goans who elect such politicians seldom react vigorously and let it pass as if nothing serious has happened. Such casual "laissez faire" attitude emboldens both elected politicians and political parties, to encourage defectors to jump the bandwagon and switch to other side mostly to the party in power, who entices such turncoats by offering large sums of money or positions of authority, such as ministerial berths, chairmanship of public institutions and much more. While such a tamasha goes on the voters who were mainly responsible to elect these MLAs are not even consulted or informed about their sinister intentions. These betrayals generally take place in the middle of the night, with the blessings of political bigwigs of power hungry political parties. Then as usual a much hyped announcement follows, ascribing that such a move has been made to bring about much needed development for their constituencies. 

Herald will be doing yeoman service by educating the voters, why they should stop patronising such defectors and the disservice they cause to the society and endanger the survival of democracy.

Also continuous exposure of misdeeds and abysmal behaviour of defectors is bound to jeopardise their chances of victory at the husting even if they are considered to be heavy weights with high winning possibilities. In turn this will improve the chances of more capable and deserving candidates. It was time that a daily like Herald took upon itself the phenomenal task to bring to the attention of all the Goan voters a clear understanding of election process and importance of responsible voting.

Antonio Diniz, Fatorda

Never trust defectors 

With reference to “Any political party which “touches” defectors will be digging its own political grave” (Herald Insight, December 14, 2021).

The Herald Insight touches upon the important points ahead of crucial Assembly elections when the same defectors are likely to contest elections.  These defectors think that the public memory is short lived. That they can once again hijack the mandate given to one particular party ticket and symbol and join forces with another party after winning elections that too without holding consultations with their supporters. 

Time has come to give out a strong message to these defectors. Defection will never be tolerated. The tainted leaders do not deserve tickets. If the so-called winnability factor gets them the tickets, it is up to voters to make them un-winnable so that these parties do not consider them next time around. From 2017 to 2021 these defectors have held our mandate and trust to ransom with impunity. They did as they pleased. They developed themselves and ignored constituencies that elected them in the first place.  Let us remember that 2022 belongs to the voters. Now they can give these defectors a dose of their own medicines and teach them lessons that they will never forget.

Gafaar Shaqoor, Margao

Goa as science hub in future

Three Guinness world records on three consecutive days must be a world record in itself. India International Science Festival-2021 (IISF-2021) held in Goa concluded with three Guinness World Records. IIFS witnessed the first Guinness record for the most number of people assembling model rocket kits simultaneously at one place. The second Guinness record was for the most number of people assembling rainwater harvesting kits online and the third record was for the largest space exploration lesson in a single venue.  Goa may be known the world over as an international tourist destination and a destination for the international film festival. However, the success of the India International Science Festival-2021 has shown that students of the State have the scientific temperament which has put them on the world stage. Students from the State got the opportunity to react with students and scientists from across the country. This must have been a one-of-a-kind experience for the students from the State. According to Goa’s Chief Minister, with many research and technical institutes, the State is moving in the direction of becoming a science hub. The government should continue pursuing the initiatives that help cultivate scientific approach among youngsters. According to the Chief Minister, the government’s endeavour of starting coding and robotics in schools will lay a strong foundation for Goa to emerge as a resource centre for manpower that is trained in coding and robotics in future. Indeed Goa can be the torchbearer for study of various branches of science and technological innovation.    

Adelmo Fernandes, Vasco

Chess genius

The chess wizard has done it again. He is in his eighth year as a world champion. Magnus Carlsen has defended his FIDE world title, at Dubai, for the fourth time in a row. The Norwegian's clear four-point margin win over Russian Ian Nepomniachtchi, who flattered to deceive, was his fifth overall leaving no doubt, if ever there was one, about his place in the chess hall of fame.

In fact, keen chess fans are in a dilemma over the first three rankings among the best chess players to have played forever-----Bobby Fischer, Garry Kasparov and Carlsen. There was no doubt about who the better player was in the championship final at Dubai despite the 14-game series being dubbed as the most lopsided championship match after 1921.

But Challenger Nepomniachtchi, ranked among the top five world players, unexpectedly caved in to hand the champion an easy title win. Carlsen's unpredictability and flexibility are seen as his greatest plus points. Knowledge, preparation, technique, patience and memory---his chess armoury has all of this and more.  Some stalwarts of the game tend to lose focus from a favourable position, but not Carlsen whose unbelievable concentration and calmness have regaled the chess world. Against Nepomniachtchi, Carlsen was unnerved by five close draws to win the sixth game after eight hours of nerve wracking game. From then onwards, it was Carlsen all the way; the Russian made repeated blunders where there was no scope for even a mistake. 

Ganapathi Bhat, Akola

Denying the real truth

Goa is our so called paradise on earth. It is sad that rich bureaucrats, with their political influence and power come to Goa and think they can get away with it...I am referring to the old Goa construction, and we have to run from pillar to post, sit on hunger strikes, satyagraha, etc... Politicians have no clue, who gave the permission, just another denial act of blame game, well my simple question to our so called CM Pramod Sawant and all other ministers, is would you let a construction come up in your property, wait and do all the legal formalities (which runs at turtle phase) till you receive a demolition order, with your arms folded? It's a shame that a non-Goan has the guts to do all this and you ministers cannot do anything, just wait and watch. You all would have sleepless nights, if a common Goan builds a small shed in his own property or having a kiosk (a source to earn his daily bread for his family) but you guys will not rest, till it's demolished...but let me remind you once again, elections are just around the corner, your days are numbered.                   

Remmy Alphonso, London

Herald Goa