Letters to the editor (28 April 2023)

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Colour code for tankers

supplying potable water

The Sancoale residents have demanded stern action against the water tanker owners allegedly transporting sewage. It was also brought to the notice of the authorities that the permission issued to the water tanker had expired in March last year and the vehicle was operating illegally for over a year. 

Water tankers allegedly carrying sewage is a matter of grave concern as it could lead to an epidemic in the locality as several tankers could be supplying potable to several households. The government needs to take serious note of the matter and take necessary action to avoid occurrence of such incidents in future. Whenever there is scarcity of water due various reasons, including bursting of the pipeline, citizens depend on the water supplied by private water tanker operators for their daily needs. The transport department needs to carry out an audit of all the water tankers supplying potable water in the state. It would be in the fitness of things for the water tankers supplying potable water to have a particular colour code for the vehicles which could be decided by the transport department. 

This will go a long way in keeping a tag on these water tankers so that they are not used for any other purpose.

Adelmo Fernandes, Vasco

Menace of beggars spreading in South Goa

This has reference to the report ‘Despite pleas from citizens and activists, South Goa district administration fails to crack down on beggars’ (Herald  27 April 2023).

According to the news report, this menace of begging is spreading throughout South Goa, at traffic signals, markets, etc. It is indeed a frustrating, worrying, dirty sight. In Mumbai too, the beggar menace has amassed huge proportion. You will find them sprawling all over the city, at traffic signals, railway ticket counters, outside Church compounds, markets you name it they're there. And of course, the footpath is their home, their safe abode. Nobody can dare evict them. 

So, how do we tackle this menace? While the authorities can take stringent action, we need to go to the root of the matter. Why is begging flourishing, it is not just out of necessity that people are taking to begging. It is because people open their hearts and their purse strings and give generously. We need to understand, begging today has become big business. 

Also, the authorities need to set up employment opportunities in the rural areas in order to stop migration to towns and cities and simultaneously crack down on the begging menace.

Melville X D'Souza, Mumbai

Role of Governor

is indispensible

In recent times, the conduct of the Governors in the non-ruling BJP States, especially in South, has become an intense debate due to their estranged acts with the respective governments and the Chief Ministers. 

 They indefinitely hold the Bills that have been duly passed by the State legislatures and sent for approval. The role of the governor is paramount in the State’s progress and it is indispensable. But over the years, the powers of governors are being misused in one way or the other. They must be appointed from outside political circles and must result in the depoliticisation of the post of the governor. Governors must not conform to one ideology that the ruling party at the Centre practices.  The Central government must not subvert the democratic process by using governors as means to achieve the ends of political gains. There must be checks and balances on the conduct of the governors, and only then cooperative federalism will sustain as envisaged in our constitution.

Ranganathan Sivakumar, Chennai

Need for secure 

work environment

Safety, security and healthy are the most common words in use today.  In the past, ‘World Day for Safety and Health at Work’ on  April 28 may have passed off as one of those days with run-of-the-mill programmes.  But  corona pandemic brought a new way of thinking among health workers. Therefore, special education to all workers, irrespective of their status, is crucial. 

 Perhaps the world will, henceforth, lay renewed stress on infectious diseases.  Safe practices at work is the key for a secure environment for employees.  The outlook of the international agencies includes an eye on the future.

 Never was the world so compelled to shut its day-to-day activities resulting in huge economic loss to governments following Covid 19 which also taught experts and commoners alike to tie loose ends up in technology especially telemedicine and its logistics.  

Familiarity with technological aspects and improving upon the fatigue factor were there for all to see.  Earlier, both physical and emotional facets of a worker had to be kept in consideration by all stakeholders.  Now, it's these two plus psychological.  "Workplace stress: a collective challenge" is the apt theme of this year's observation. Stress and strain at work are a worker's inevitable companions.  During the two waves of the pandemic, job-loss and pay-slash augmented the common worries of a worker.  To their credit, private players, by and large, resisted the temptation of firing workers. The workforce recouped and consolidated well to ward off stress and strain. A sense of protection and belonging is required for labourers, daily-wage earners and workers whose future depends on the whims of their employers.

Ganapathi  Bhat, Akola

Bar Pakistan from 

SCO Summit

The Central Government should cancel invite to Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari for SCO summit and G20 over the terror attack that took place in Poonch district in Kashmir in which five soldiers lost their lives.  Several terrorist groups operate from Pakistani soil and target civilians and security personnel, especially in Valley. 

There are frequent Pakistan-sponsored terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir and outside the Union Territory. Bilawal had in the past made  derogatory remarks against our  Prime Minister.  This shows how uncivilized and immature Bhutto is. The Pakistan army has openly threatened India and raked up the issue of Kashmir.  Pakistan is obsessed with Kashmir and so worried about their freedom of expression when sadly in their own country they have persecuted minorities openly without any remorse. Pauper and poverty stricken failed Pakistan should realize that its credibility and status in international community is zero.  He should be banned from entering this country for the SCO Foreign ministers meeting.  Moreover this is an evident where there will be no scope of improvement with the change in government in Islamabad- with Shahbaz Sharifs and Bilawal Zardari Bhuttos in power in Pakistan.

K G Vilop, Chorao

Governance - Who 

is responsible?

Open any paper in Goa today or listen to the electronic Goan media,  you will see the deplorable sad state of Governance: Rising road accidents with related horrible traffic/road management, Severe storage of basics like water and lately mafias supply sewage water to houses, High state of corruption with many politicians being protected, sad state of transportation, severe contamination of water bodies and massive destruction of the environment.  However, coming to my point, one will again many controversial politicians or those allied with them repeatedly coming to power at State, Municipal or Panchayat levels! 

So who is responsible for such pathetic governance, the politicians or actually the Goan voters at large?

Arwin Mesquita, Colva

Herald Goa