01 Jul 2024  |   05:29am IST

Letter to the editor (01 July 2024)

Importance of psychotherapy

The alarming rise in people with anxiety and depression is a matter of great disquiet especially because suicide is inextricably linked to depression.  Statistics are chilling because they bring out the fact that globally one person commits suicide every forty seconds. Approximately, five crore Indians suffer from depression, and thirty six percent of the Indian population have symptoms of depression at any point in time.  

The management of depression and anxiety has often bordered on confusion. 

A study done by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, England has strongly pitched for psychotherapy, or counselling on a larger scale, to be accorded prime importance in depression treatment because of the side--effects of treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and benzodiazepines like confusion, loss of sleep, anxious conditions, sexual dysfunction, and even an enhanced suicidal risk in extreme cases.  

While the drugs provide the benefit of a feeling of well-being and augmented confidence in the depressed, psychotherapy often goes to the root of the problem to improve the quality of life (QOL) more than merely alleviating the crippling symptoms of depression especially when an individual has suffered a recent bereavement. Psychotherapy could be brief or extended at regular intervals, alone or in conjunction with drugs. 

Ganapathi  Bhat,  Akola

Hazardous trees need to be cut down

A huge tree fell on two vehicles at Dando Sanguem. Fortunately the occupants of both vehicles escaped unhurt. It may be recalled that last year, in a tragic incident, a young woman from Sanguem lost her life after a tree fell on her car. In another incident that took place on Friday, a cashew tree reportedly crashed on a tourist parked on CHOGM road at Naikawaddo in Calangute during heavy rains. 

Though the car suffered damage, no injuries were reported. In the rains, hazardous trees fall like ninepins on houses and vehicles. At times, the trees fall on live wires thereby endangering the lives of the citizens. Speed of the wind during heavy rains pushes the aerial portion of the ageing tree towards its direction with such a great force that it gets uprooted. This is aggravated due to shallow roots, and weakened condition of the tree due to ageing and diseases, concretization of the ground around the tree, water logging among others. 

Authorities resort to trimming of the branches in order to prevent the trees from falling. For old and weak trees, this step may not be sufficient. The civic bodies and panchayats need to identify the hazardous trees in their jurisdiction and cut them down. The authorities show enthusiasm in cutting down trees in order to widen the roads, but no attention is paid to hazardous trees which can uproot in the rains. 

The procedure of cutting down trees present in private property needs to be simplified.  

Adelmo Fernandes, Vasco

Assagao case provides food for thought

The bulldozed house at Assagao, though a saddest episode in the history to a Goan family and sending shock waves to common Goans at large, have taught us to become wise in securing our future and keeping the Goan identity intact! 

While we have read in the media, heard from NGOs and locals voices, that this incident was nothing but “goondagiri or dada giri” from non-Goans, who have taken Goans for granted being humble, faithful and nice - ruthlessly.  Also, a lesson to those who sell their land to some cruel hearted people, who have no mercy in tarnishing the pleasant image of Goa and Goans.

The serious question that should ring the minds of every Goan is, who have influenced these disgraceful activities in Goa that we read or see the brutality of destruction, taking over the law and order of Goa, once a peaceful union territory and beautiful state since 1961, and on the flip side some act innocent showing their crocodile tears to the members of the Assagao Agarwedekar family, who have fearfully taken blunt U-turn. This case is now having a good roller-coaster ride taking twist and turns. Goans are now wondering  whether Goa is safe any more or is in the unhealthy hands of the land sharks.

We should be reminded that ethical management is important to limit power via term limits and public accountability to have a peaceful, loving and caring society. 

Those in power should be alert in maintaining discipline, without having any interest in playing the double edged sword game or it will only boomerang should they betray those Goans who trusted those to represent in safeguarding their safety and security at all times - if otherwise, it will only derail the trust and further Goans will begin to discount the value electing those to power. 

It is important to note that laws and keepers are a reflection of our morality. In fact, all laws have a moral base or ground, without one, some see as why they should obey the law or regulation and others like this Assagao episode actors, take advantage leaving negative thoughts in our mind with fear and threat. We as God fearing Goans, pray that the Goa government will thoroughly investigate this case, provide justice to the innocents and close all the loops that such an incident is never repeat again!

However, there are only few in power who are adhering to this famous quote: “Integrity, transparency and the fight against corruption have to be part of the culture”.  

Goa is Goa and with additional attention on law and order, Goa will return and remain the great Goa forever!

Gaston Dias, Sarzora


Idhar Udhar