04 Jul 2024  |   04:44am IST

Letter to the editor (04 July 2024)

Badge mandatory for drivers of private buses

It is learnt that two taxi drivers were fined for operating without a badge after the Police Traffic Cells from Porvorim and Calangute launched a campaign against motorists operating tourist taxis without the badge which needs to be issued by the transport department. This is a step in the right direction. 

However a check should also be kept on drivers operating private buses, including city buses, without the requisite badge. The bus conductors also need to wear the appropriate badge. There could be instances when the bus conductor could be driving the bus during the lunch break or when the bus driver is not available. The bus conductor could not be possessing a driving license thereby putting the lives of the passengers and the general public in peril. 

In Goa drivers of ‘Public Passenger Vehicles’ have to mandatorily sport their authorisation badges or else face stringent penal action including imprisonment of three months. Taxis, cabs, buses and tourist buses are the type of vehicles covered under the definition of ‘public passenger vehicles’.  

However it seems that no check is kept on drivers of private buses to see whether they possess the requisite badge. Incidentally, such a badge serves as a mark of proficiency and compliance with regulations in ensuring passenger safety and comfort. There should be zero tolerance to bus drivers and bus conductors operating without a badge.

Adelmo Fernandes, Vasco

Have we really lost it?

The recent Bhushi dam tragedy has once again raised the question at the mankind.

The Ansari family with their kids is caught up between life and death! The nature seems to be in a vengeance full mode. There’s water from all sides gushing with extreme fury.  The undercurrent of the water flow is defying any human strength! There’s panic in the eyes of the hapless victims. The screams are heart wrenching!

At any moment, they can lose their foothold and get washed away which eventually happened!

Yet, the devastating sight failed to implore the sensitivity in some of the onlookers. Instead, their hands with much ease pointed their camera lenses at the despairing family! These inconsiderate people did not even want to miss the last moments of the victory of death over life. 

As the videos of this ghastly episode make rounds on social media, there’s yet another group of cold hearted viewers with their verdict wherein the misfortunate family is blamed. The government is cursed for not ensuring proper safety and so on!

Alas! It’s too late to reverse anything! Precious lives are lost. May the departed souls rest in eternal bliss! However, it’s not only the death of Ansari family members but the death of humanity and sensitivity too!

Guadalupe Dias, by email

Everything is falling down!

Just like the old song London Bridge is falling down, we have the myth and edifice of the BJP led NDA developing cracks and showing indications of falling down. The ideological moorings in the RSS of the BJP are under strain and the cable that attaches them is fraying with Bhagwat’s critique of the working of the BJP. Bhagwat even went to the extent of not meeting the UP CM Yogi Adityanath when he was in the State claiming that his busy schedule did not permit a meeting. The Yogi needed solace and a boost to his sagging morale after the drubbing the BJP received in the State in the just concluded Lok Sabha elections. But it was not to be. The situation in Bihar is none the better with 6 bridges having fallen down in the last 15 days. Shows that the Nitish Kumar with the JD (U) support to the NDA may be suffering infection of the leaning disease from the Leaning Tower of Pisa with consequential stability problems. The augury across India is not too well with everything falling down from canopies at airports including at the premier Delhi airport killing people, bridges across rivers, water towers in Mathura to sunken roads built new and with sinkholes emerging. 

These are the bitter fruits of development as drummed up by the NDA government which in the rush to develop is destroying what exists beyond recovery. Time for the incumbent NDA government to consolidate, go slow and take deliberate and well-reasoned steps in their new term of being in power.

Srinivas Kamat, Alto St. Cruz

Turbid water flowing from taps in Siolim

Turbid water is flowing form taps in Siolim and consumers in Mapusa and  Guirim have been facing similar problems too. This could be a serious lapse on part of the PWD water treatment plant for not treating the drinking water as per the required standard or there could be a possibility of damage to the underground main supply line that is allowing murky sand to enter the line and reach the consumers. 

It would be advisable that at every reservoir tank, the PWD install a filter tank if there is overload on its main filtration plant. 

This happens every year and there is no improvement on the part of the Department to rectify the same. This amounts to a deficiency in service. The Departmental heads should make a public statement when such incidents are occurring and what precautions should the consumers take for self protection. 

Gregory E D’Souza, Siolim


Idhar Udhar