Letter to the editor (19 September 2023)

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Have a safe Ganesh Chaturthi

Goa has been always celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi with zeal and enthusiasm. All the family members gather together to celebrate this festival which lasts from one and half days to eleven days. The sarvajanik Ganesh is also celebrated by various departments such as BSNL, MMC, KTC, electricity dept etc. However this Ganesh Chaturthi is going to be more special since it is celebrated after a gap of two years due to Covid-19 pandemic. The family members and children who celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi with firecrackers, and Sarvajanik Ganesh utsav mandals should observe the precautions given by the fire department while burning crackers. 

The crackers are most exciting but harmful to health and  hence care should be taken to burn them carefully. Crackers are also  burnt on roadside where vehicles are parked. It is very important to see that crackers are not lit near such parked vehicles and or dry grass or bushes. Safe and secured place should be chosen to light crackers as they are most inflammable and catch fire immediately. The Director of Fire Services Nitin Raikar has appealed to the people to celebrate this festival in a safe way with due precautions while burning crackers. Let us celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi in grand manner with all precautions and safety.

Raju Ramamurthy, Vasco

‘Killer roads’ or lack of discipline?

It’s a matter of major concern that the roads in Goa have turned out to be ‘killer’ roads. Everyday, the local dailies are soaked with news of fatal accidents. What’s the root cause of these accidents? However, there might be several reasons/answers pertaining to it, but can this nightmare be stopped instantly? It ought to be. Efforts to reduce accidents is not happening even at a snail’s pace. Continuously, the precious lives of several commuters are at stake, who need to come out of their comfort zone for the sake of earning their bread and butter. 

Sadly, some victims of road accidents are in a vegetative state, suffering quietly at home, with no financial assistance provided to them. Moreover, several families have even lost their loved ones owing to the fatal accidents on the road, and it’s another nightmare, that these families might be going through.  The concerned authorities, need to make a thorough research on this scenario, and implement prompt action. Also, it’s the responsibility of the travellers to maintain strict discipline while traveling on the roads. Eventually, are the roads our killers, or is it lack of traffic  discipline?

Joseph Savio Desouza, Rajasthan

Self-accidents on the rise

It is said that ‘it takes two to tango’. But for a road accident to take place, one vehicle could be sufficient. Self-accidents have been taking place at a disturbing frequency in the state. Many-a-times such accidents can end up in fatalities. Goa’s ‘killer’ roads continue to claim innocent lives as a taxi driver was killed in a self-accident after his car rammed into a parked truck at Porvorim on Sunday. On the same day in another self-accident, 11 persons sustained injuries after a Kadamba Transport Corporation Limited (KTCL) bus rammed into a roadside tree at Shiroda. 

It may be recalled that a couple of weeks ago three young lives were snuffed out in a self-accident when their car rammed into a roadside tree at Porvorim. There have been several incidents of self-accidents reported in the state, when the vehicle has hit the road-divider and at times even overturned. Incidentally in a self-accident, no other vehicular driver can be blamed for the accident. The main reasons for most of the self-accidents are over speeding, drunken driving, distractions to drivers like talking on the mobile, texting, etc. Self-accidents on the roads are avoidable by driving defensively, driving within speed limits and obeying the traffic rules. 

Adelmo Fernandes, Vasco

The words we use are important

“Words” carry a lot of power.  They can build and lift, comfort and calm, and teach and inspire. Contrarily, words can destroy and demolish, incite and enrage, and embarrass and demean.  Their meanings crystalize perceptions that shape our beliefs, drive our behaviour, and ultimately create our world. The power of words arises from our emotional responses when we read, speak or hear them.  The words we write or speak to others can leave a huge impact and create a lasting memory, either good or bad.  It is therefore very important to choose them wisely and use them properly.  Words are like music – when played well, they can enchant and delight the whole environment.  

And, words are free.  But, if used in a wrongful and harmful manner, they even cost you a mountain. Words hold incredible power to shape our lives.  Positive communication, rooted in empathy and understanding, can transform relationships, boost our physical and mental well-being, and inspire personal growth.  By choosing our words carefully, we can harness the power of language to create a brighter, more fulfilling life.

Ranganathan Sivakumar, Chennai

Regulating working hours in private sector

Many of our employees work from 9am to 6pm. Some work in shifts throughout the night. The employers should make 5pm  as the closing time since our employees do not get recreational time or family in the evening In the private sector, Saturdays too should be declared as holidays like government employees. The third shift should be cancelled as it is a risk for heart attack, diabetes and cancer according to some studies. Those working on night shift in hospitals should be given proper rest hours and rooms so that they can handle emergencies.

Ashwin Caeiro, Cansaulim

Salute to a Goan patriot

A techie from India returning to his country instead of pursuing his dreams in a foreign country is something which does not normally happen. Prof (Dr) Kunal Korgaonkar returning to his roots after 10 years in the USA, in order to serve his people, is commendable and must surely make Goans proud. Prof Kunal certainly understands the vast scope computer engineering has and is rightly focusing on developing low-cost robotic surgery equipment for government hospitals. 

Presently, importing such equipment costs a bomb as per the news reports. So, kudos to this great man, truly patriotic I would say. 

Melville X D’Souza, Mumbai

Herald Goa