Letter to the editor (25 May 2024)

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Wild berries have medicinal properties

A tourist destination like Goa should advertise its wild berries, which are grown in the fertile soil of the hills, forests and mountains and which have the unique geographical indication. 

Among the wild berries found in Goa, a few that are rarely but still available are the jamun, kantam, bintam, chunna and the jagma which were traditionally known for their efficacy in maintaining an elevated state of health by their consumption. 

All these wild berries that are unique of Goa are low in sugar content and are usually a good cure for diabetes. The markets in Goa especially the one in Mapusa on a Friday still provide the opportunity to avail of these wild berries that could be used especially in the treatment of certain summer time diseases even combat exposure to heat. 

Being grown in the wild, these berries are supposed to be the providers of essential micro nutrients and it would be prudent on the part of well equipped laboratories in Goa like the National Institute of Oceanography chemistry division to carry out detailed analysis of the contents with precision of all their essential minerals and vitamins in particular.  We should also encourage our country house dwellers to tend to trees that produce such wild berries which could be used therapeutically.

Elvidio Miranda, Panjim

Goan football needs a boost 

Today is ‘World Football Day’. The 193-member United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution on May 7, 2024, to observe May 25, every year as World Football Day. On May 25, 1924, all the regions of the world were represented in the 1924 Paris Summer Olympics football event. The resolution to mark 25th May of every year as ‘World Football Day’ was introduced by Libya. 

Football or Soccer is the most popular sport on the Earth. Modern football developed in 19th century England. Football was introduced in the Paris Summer Olympics in 1900. Women’s football was introduced at the Atlanta Summer Olympics in 1996. Football is officially the state sport of Goa. 

The first official football match played in Goa was probably in 1900 in Panjim. The first major tournament was held in 1970, the Bandodkar Gold Trophy, which was later recognized as a national tournament. The first Santosh Trophy was held in Goa in 1972.

The football clubs in Goa have come a long way from their humble beginnings. In the past Goan clubs were among the best in the country. It must be said that today Goan football is on the downslide. It would have been in the fitness of things to organize various programs on football in the state on ‘World Football Day’ today. It would have given a major boost for the official sport of Goa.

Adelmo Fernandes, Vasco

High and mighty have no respect for law

This is in regards to the fatal accident at Pune involving two young techies and a 17-yr-old drunk teenager driving a Porche at 200km/hr. The punishment given by the juvenile court is writing an essay of 300 words on the subject Accidents and community work of helping traffic police in controlling traffic on the streets of Pune for 3 months. 

Is this a joke or something? This teenager is the son of a powerful real estate builder who must have used his clout to subvert the law to let his son off with minor punishment. 

In this case, the parents should be put behind bars for letting their ward go astray and kept inside till their son attains the age of 18 and then put their son inside to face the adult law. 

Frankly speaking, law in our country has become akin to the kangaroo courts in Africa where the rich and powerful get away with minor or no punishments. These two young techies- a boy and a girl had a bright future ahead of them and no amount of compensation can compensate for their lost lives and give solace to their near and dear ones.

Lucas D'Souza, Verna

Goans cry for basic amenities 

In Goa, the problems related to roads, water and electricity are all-time malady.   Despite promises, there are no improvements in road, water and electricity.  Power, water and good roads are the basic necessity.  

These problems have made life miserable for the common man and   people have a lot to complain about especially against the condition of roads in Panaji. 

It has become a routine affair for motorists to put up with a harrowing experience while travelling on uneven roads. Irregular water supply and frequent power cuts have left the Goa in a woeful state.  The Smart City project has reduced the city of Panjim into a living, breathing nightmare for the residents.  

Electricity, water and roads have become much more than a luxury affecting every aspect of life.  The Goa government should give more importance to the good roads, water and electricity to the common man.  

K G Vilop, Chorao

Stop destroying beautiful Goa 

It is such a shame that one needs the intervention of the Collector, Police and Environmentalists to order the organisers of the Lantern Fest not to hold the event in the eco- sensitive turtle nesting site.  

 Goans must be vigilant against individuals who for personal reasons and greed come here to destroy this beautiful State. 

Mario Rodrigues, Carmona

121 illiterate candidates in Lok Sabha elections

The Association for Democratic Reforms has released some statistics from the Lok Sabha elections. 8360 candidates are standing in the arena of Lok Sabha which is higher than in the recent elections. Interestingly, in this election, a total 121 candidates are illiterate. 

Lok Sabha is the highest legislative body of the country. Besides, it is the largest legislature in the country. It was a shock to read that even after 75 years of independence, there are 121 uneducated candidates. The minimum age limit for standing in the Lok Sabha is 25 but there is no upper limit. So even today candidates up to 90 years of age can contest elections. If an illiterate candidate is elected in the Lok Sabha, how will he participate in the work there? How to read the rules and documents? Also how to participate in the discussion? Now is the time to think about it.

In the 17th Lok Sabha, one MP was illiterate. There should be some minimum educational qualification for Lok Sabha elections now. 359 candidates have studied up to class V. So 647 candidates have completed eight standard. 1303 candidates have passed 12th. 1502 candidates are graduates. So there are 198 candidates who have done doctorate

Shantaram Wagh, Pune

Herald Goa