Letter to the editor (28 November 2023)

Letter to the editor (28 November 2023)
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Abrupt end of  Akashvanni progs

This has a reference to the letter  in Herald dated 25.11.2023 by  Anthony Fernandes,  Siolim under letter to the Editor Column “Restore popular English programs on FM.”

Yes indeed w.e.f. 01.10.2023, AIR FM, Panaji now Akashvanni, had abruptly without taking people’s opinion had merged the programs from Madei Channel and FM Channel. Both the Channels now gives continuous nonstop parallel programs  i.e. the programs which comes on Madei Channel are broadcasted on FM Channel at the same time which is quite absurd to say the least. We are bombarded the whole day with news and news day and night.

Furthermore,  besides the English FM programs  such as request programs which were coming from 8 pm onwards,  the Konkani lovers like me is also let down by Akashvanni.

There are no Manajoktim Geetam, there is no Viva Goenkara, no Hello FM, no Goenchim Lharam all these Konkani requests programs where listeners used to call and request for their favourite songs besides chatting with their RJs have been stopped. Even the Konkani songs slots which were aired by FM at 9 am, 1.30 pm, 7 pm to 8 pm have been cut off. There are no Konkani plays, No Hello Farmaish, no Abholeancho Jhelo, etc. etc. All are gone with the wind. 

 We are missing the golden oldies both in Konkani and English which only the Akashvanni can give us. Also as the beautiful Christmas season is round the corner- we want carols and other entertaining programs and not the forced news and views. Besides we are missing our vibrant RJS who were entertaining and putting us in mood.  In this connection,  we the susegad Goenkars whose lifestyle is somewhat different from other States, who wants some leisure time to unwind our day to day hectic schedule and as Akashvanni is the perfect medium requests the Station Director as well as the Information and Broadcasting Minister to kindly restore our previous Konkani and English programs  immediately.  We also request the Chief Minister Pramod Sawant to look into this matter before the situation goes out of hand.

Jerry Fernandes, Vanxim 

Several Goans will be left without passports

It is learnt that following the notification of the Union Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on November 30, 2022, the passport authorities have been revoking Indian passports at the time of renewal of Goans having their births registered in Lisbon, Portugal. This issue has created anxiety among several Goans who have registered their births in Portugal. Many Goans who were born before 1962 have got their birth registered in Portugal so that their children are eligible under the law to acquire the Portuguese passport so that they get better employment opportunities in the European Union countries. However, these elderly people have no intention of acquiring the Portuguese passport for themselves and working abroad.  If the Indian passports of Goans having their birth registered in Lisbon are revoked at the time of renewal, then these Goans will be left with no passport to travel abroad as they neither possess a Portuguese passport. Goans travel abroad for several reasons. Be it for business, vacation, to meet their relatives and friends, to take part in family functions, to attend a funeral, etc. With their Indian passport revoked and acquiring a Portuguese passport being a lengthy procedure taking several months, how are these Goans, who have their birth registered in Portugal, expected to travel abroad?

Adelmo Fernandes, Vasco

Terrorists know no religion

This has reference to the report ‘26:11 India needs formal policy to fight terror’ (O Heraldo November 27, 2023).

26/11 was indeed a horrific date to remember, fifteen years after the terrorist attack on Mumbai, we still cringe in fear. Many of us would count ourselves lucky or blessed that we were not at the receiving end one that day.

The Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October is yet another horrific incident to recall. Terrorists have no religion, they may use religion as a tool though, but this issue of terrorism needs to be tackled on a war footing. And, as the Editorial rightly states, it is not possible for any one country to fight terror alone. The world needs to take a united decision to wipe out terrorism from the face of the earth. The world needs to take a policy decision as fast as possible as terrorism well ultimately consume every nation on this earth. Having said that, man needs to look inwards. He needs to weed out that terrorist streak from within himself. He needs to change his mindset, his actions, his attitude towards others in society. Yes, we need to kill that terrorist within ourselves first if we are to think of peace in the world.

Melville X D'Souza, Mumbai

Another ‘smart’ scam in the making?

After the joke which is ‘ Smart City Panjim’, the government is now thinking of ‘smart roads’ wherein a layer of @ 8" thick M40 grade concrete topping is laid on  the surface of pre-existing asphalt roads, it will supposedly  increase the lifespan of the roads by as much as 30 years. The cost of implementing this amounts to @ Rs.1 crore/ km, also the curing period for the concrete topping is atleast 30 days for which the road will have to be kept closed. This begs the question- how can you put additional weight on an asphalt road which is already poorly constructed and for which no proper mix of road metal has been used or the base compacted ; this is what leads to potholes every monsoons. It is akin to adding an additional 4 floors to a building whose foundations can only sustain a load of 3 storeys. Previous to this, the jet patching machine was touted as a panacea to all ills plaguing our roads, it proved to be a colossal failure. Why can’t we just do the basics right and construct our roads under strict supervision of the PWD engineers ensuring that all quality parameters are met. These proposed smart roads seem to be stinking of another scam.

Vinay Dwivedi,  Benaulim

Safeguard heritage buildings for posterity

Margao Urban Health  Centre (UHC) lies in a neglected state. There should be an effective way to preserve heritage buildings and prevent their decay. They are the mirror of our culture and their preservation is as important as protecting our own culture.  The majority of India’s architectural heritage and sites are unprotected. They constitute a unique civilization legacy, as valuable as the monuments legally protected by ASI/ SDA and other governmental and non-governmental agencies.  Heritage lovers allege that a few monuments under the state government have been affected by neglect.

Development of a heritage sites leads to infrastructure development, opens up employment and enterprising opportunities. At the national level, heritage protection and conservation and the pride associated with a unique heritage are important for nation building and branding of the country’s cultural identity. 

K G Vilop, Chorao

Justice Beevi is a role model for women

Justice M Fathima Beevi, who passed away last Thursday, broke the proverbial glass ceiling to become the first woman judge of the Supreme Court of India. Her journey in law wasn’t without challenges, as she navigated through a traditionally male-dominated profession with determination and fortitude, and her achievements in the field paved the way for countless aspiring women to pursue careers in the legal field. In her long and decorated career, Fathima Beevi served as a role model for women across the country, and was a beacon of hope for women’s rights, advocating for gender equality in all aspects of life. Her legacy extends beyond the courtroom, leaving an indelible mark on the societal fabric of the country.

Ranganathan Sivakumar, Chennai

Herald Goa