Wanted a Maid

Wanted a Maid
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Maids are in great demand in the present era where both are working partners and have descent disposable income. In our hectic life, they play a pivotal role in keeping everything including family life intact. Life without them is unimaginable. Without them there will be utter chaos and confusion in the family. To put it in nutshell, they are integral or rather indispensable part of any family.

In earlier days, most of the maids worked in individual households. They usually lived with family. In our ancestral house, we had a live in maid named Saju. I will always remember her selfless dedicated service for more than 50 years. Over a period of time, she had almost become assistant manager to my mother in every household affairs and even decision making!

But after moving into my new house the scenario was not the same. I have had many maids come and go on one pretext or other. I have lost the count. When a maid leaves unannounced there is gap period till one finds a new maid. Then one knows the real importance. Instantly life is thrown out of gear. Then the house and the garden look untidy. If all family members understand it is different matter, otherwise it create an issue over trivialities.

I have been in such dilemmas many a times but luckily have managed to find a maid in time. Every time they have come, they have brought a welcome relief to me, and my wife not to mention my children.

To keep maids happy is an art. First one must study their nature and character. Some have habit of remaining gloomy always no matter how much love you give to them. Some are born innocent and always remain happy and they cheer you and bring laughter by their easy going nature. They say they are lucky to find such a family and promise of not leaving you till end!

And yet, a majority leave compulsorily or otherwise either because of matrimonial reason or on health ground or becoming home sick or on some other causes best known to them.

So after a frantic search few months back, I found a maid, a girl of 22 years. Besides being good at work she is very smart and beautiful looking. She has become cynosure of all eyes in our locality. She carries herself well and is neatly dressed. Thus when I find myself over talkative with her, sometimes with jokes (without my knowledge), wife intervenes and nudges me and takes over my part of explaining to her further.

Anyway the way things are going on (in wife’s mind), I doubt about her continuation of her service for long and she is likely to follow the suit like most of my maid, though this time on different grounds (pressure from wife).

In the meantime I am in search of a new maid. Has anyone got one?

Herald Goa