The bad and sad reality of Goa

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he prime responsibility of any elected government is the responsibility in the safety and security of its own people and their precious land. Sadly every elected government after liberation sold Goa’s pristine land to the highest bidder. The first ever elected government after liberation has almost sold Goa to Maharashtra but fortunately Opinion poll saved Goa from merger. 

A decent amount of Goans voted for merger but Niz Goemkars outnumbered  the Maharashtra lovers and our Goa was saved from merger. Then came the Congress and selling of Goa’s precious land commenced. Yesterday’s Congress is today’s BJP and today this combination is selling Goa for all though officially BJP is running the state government. Hill cutting has become a daily affair in Goa. People running the state of affairs were even heard terming hills as slopes to benefit the destroyers so called as developers. Our Goa is run by heartless politicians and  the Margao MLA even has direct contacts with his God. Our government speaks about Green revolution on one side and thousands of grown up trees are cut, forests areas destroyed which includes wild life sanctuaries as per their convenience in the name of so called  development which in reality is total destruction of the environment. Is it all about human convenience? Doesn’t the other poor helpless species living in the forest and hills have any rights over the liberation of Goa?

Climatic change is very much evident in Goa and the way we are treating nature in Goa, very soon this one time beautiful state may witness something called as Climatic terror. Nature has been very kind and patient towards Goa till now. Let us please stop testing the patience of nature. The burning of vegetation and the trees on hilly areas and forests is another new happening experienced in Goa. Only God knows if it's natural or man-made for selfish gains. Covid-19 virus has been a very good teacher to human life. The theory of real life was very well explained by the Virus in a very simple manner but sadly most of us still could not understand this simple theory. Sadly destruction of nature was never locked down in Goa even though the entire world was in lock-down then during COVID times.

Our beautiful beaches sold to Samadhis, Rivers blindly signed for corporates. Sharing with the needy is always good but selling one’s own resources to others for political benefits is just worst. Isn't Mhadei sold? Priceless Islands like Vanxim sold by our own religious leaders for reasons best known to them. Illegality is a different name for legality in Goa and that is reason why the illegal bungalow is still standing untouched at the  World heritage site at Old Goa. The real Goa is basically sinking in the well of illegalities. Sure Goycho Saib will do the justice against the illegal bungalow as the concerned authorities turned out blind.

Today one can see illegal bouncers are used by the rich and powerful non-Goans against the locals. A Police Inspector made severe allegations against his own boss. Police investigating the Police, easily surrendering to mobs and the list against the Police goes on. How can a common, decent, peace loving Goan have faith in such a Police system in Goa? Government is supporting the illegalities of Railways against the wishes of it's own people. If double tracking is required then get the people into confidence so that an agreed plan can be drawn. Government just can't force destruction of 500+ plus years old heritage structures. National interest is good but one must understand Goa's fragile system and local interest must be protected. The locals should not feel helpless and  abandoned.

Just celebrating golden years of liberation will not help when in reality Goa’s priceless Platinum is threatened and forcefully sold.

Development is very much required but one must understand the simple difference between development and destruction. It’s the responsibility of every Niz Goemkar to stand for the protection of his/hers identity and the identity of our Mai Goa. The elected government should and must stand for its people and cannot be the agent of the centre. When law looks like dead with such ugly Goa Police related happenings and justice lost in the middle of the Ocean, the common Goan can only bank on divine intervention. It has worked in the past and definitely it will work for the powerless common Goans. The culprits will definitely pay the heavy price for the present state of Kala Academy as kalakars unitedly cursed them.

The worst is yet to come and if all don’t change our attitude towards nature instantly in spite of being warned then even God will not reach to us. We all come to go back. We come with nothing and go with nothing. Our ancestors protected the beauty of this very beautiful land called Goa. We have destroyed enough. Let’s now vow to protect the little beautiful remains for our generations who are yet to see the light of this land.

Somebody has rightly said, politicians cannot be leaders as they work in the interest of next elections and real leaders work in the interest of next generation and real leaders no longer exist in Goa.

Last but not the least, these days we have become too weak to get sentimentally hurt for obvious reasons, but sadly never got unitedly hurt when our Goa is raped on daily basis.


Herald Goa