‘FIRs against double tracking activists are FIRs against people of Goa’, is the cry from South Goa’s villages

Outpouring of solidarity with sons of the spoil, anti-double tracking ‘Bravehearts’ facing police action based on what locals say are ‘trumped up charges’
‘FIRs against double tracking activists are FIRs against people of Goa’, is the cry from South Goa’s villages
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Team Herald

VELSAO: Against the backdrop of serious offences registered against villagers of Velsao who have been protesting against the double tracking project, Goans have made it clear that the fight is not restricted to just Velsao or surrounding villages but that these FIRs are as good as FIRs against the people of Goa.

They refer to the historic protest in Chandor in November 2020 when over 5,000 citizens had come on the streets to voice their protest to point out that this is an issue that affects the entire State.

Thus, it was no surprise that on Wednesday night, a day before the four persons from Velsao were summoned to appear before the Vasco Railway Police for questioning, (they appeared on Thursday morning) a message had gone viral across social media platforms.

“Let’s Stand in Solidarity with our Bravehearts. Attention Goenkars, tomorrow at 10:00 am at the Railway Police Station, Vasco, 4 land defenders, and Bravehearts have received summons to appear before the investigating officer regarding the alleged incident at Velsao, where the tributary of the River Sal is being filled up by construction debris and red mud against the cries of the local residents who are facing flooding of their paddy fields and their homes by the tidal waters of the Arabian Sea. Please join us in large numbers in a demonstration of solidarity with the falsely accused. Let’s present a strong and united front tomorrow 23rd March 2023 at 10 AM outside Railway Police station Vasco!” read this message that was circulating in WhatsApp groups in the North and South of Goa.

Elsewhere in Velsao, the heart of the action in this particular protest against double tracking, the Velsao Sarpanch Maria Diana Gouveia unequivocally condemned the action, called the charges ‘trumped’ up of the police and referred to how the villagers had never resorted to violence as a form of protest.

It may be recalled that the Velsao-Pale-Issorcim VP had already filed complaints with the police against the Railways for encroaching private properties.

The panchayat had even issued a stop work order to the Railways but none of these had been entertained.

“I strongly condemn the abuse of power by our government and the Railways. Such false allegations are only put forward to scare the people fighting for their land and their right to live peacefully. If the people of Velsao wanted to choose violence they could have done it long back. I feel our democratic rights are trampled when RVNL and police time and again threaten the villagers for pointing out their grievances,” said Gouveia.

Ella Mascarenhas, a villager from Arossim and also a member of Goencho Ekvott (GE), expressed solidarity with the members of GE who are facing arrest from the Vasco Railway Police and insisted that their agitation has been a non-violent one since its inception.

“Truth will prevail. I have been a part of this non-violent movement against double-tracking and transportation of coal through our villages. Orville Dourado Rodrigues and Olencio Simoes (two of the accused) have always been leading people to protest in a peaceful manner and have been guiding people to not take the law into their hands as they are responsible for those gathered in protest. I hope they get justice in this case which has been slapped on them by Railway Authorities. India is the biggest democracy and the Indian Constitution gives every citizen the right to protest in a peaceful manner. Pray for Justice,” said Mascarenhas.

The Amche Mollem (AM) Citizen group also criticised what the police had done and had already led a social media campaign in support of the villagers of Velsao on Tuesday.

“Amche Mollem condemns the police intimidation tactics employed by the Railway authorities,” said Francesca Cotta on behalf of AM.

Senior advocate Cleofato Almeida Coutinho also rued the approach being taken by the government to try and thwart the voice of the people.  

“We live in an atmosphere of intimidation and fear. An arrest is used to bring in an element of submission. The government may be following the central model of using arrest to instil fear into political and social activists. It is bad time for democracy that movements and dissent are crushed by such police. Democracy is becoming a police state,’ said Adv Almeida.

Felix Furtado of Rainbow Warriors (RW), Goyant Kollso Naka (GKN) groups as well as Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott (GBE), which had filed a petition against the double tracking project in the High Court, said “There is no difference between our Police and the notorious Gestapo of Hitler’s regime. Thanks to all the supporters of this government, we are slipping into Nazi regime. What else can we say about our Police when they are protecting those who are destroying Goa, and hounding the locals who are protecting Goa.”

Architect Tahir Noronha, who has been part of other agitations felt the people of Velsao and surrounding areas who are opposing the double tracking project have been treated unfairly by the authorities “The Velsao activists are largely agitating or objecting to public works whenever the Railways encroach into private property or bring other nuisances. The Railways contractor was negligent several times, and despite complaints, there hasn’t been any action to address that. Our constitution ensures equality before the law, it sets a bad precedent when law enforcers take a one-sided stance,” said Noronha.

Herald Goa