24 families fear eviction from their land in Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary

Notices issued to them by the Forest Settlement Officer under the Wildlife Protection Act; asked to file their claim to the land occupied by them in the Sanctuary within two months, failing which they will be evicted
24 families fear eviction from their land in Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary
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VALPOI: Around 24 families from six panchayats in Sattari taluka fear eviction from the land they have been occupying for generations, following notices issued by the Forest Settlement Officer under the Wildlife Protection Act.

The Forest Settlement Officer has issued notices to six panchayat of Sattari taluka asking people from there to file within two months their claim to the land occupied by them in the sanctuary, failing which they will be evicted from there.

Notification under Section 18 of the Wildlife Protection Act has been issued to the Panchayats of Khotodem, Nagargao, Mauxi, Savorde, Querim and Dongurli Thane.

The notice cautioned that failure to file claim to the land within the specified period will result in the person having to leave the place immediately.

It may be noted that around 24 villagers live in area now demarcated as Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary for the last many years.

Given the fact that these people have been living there for generations and they belong to the backward community, they do not have the necessary documents to prove their ownership of the land.

These villagers now faced with the threat of being evicted from their land are blaming their elected representatives for failing to protect their interest,

As per the notice issued, nobody will be allowed to trespass in the area demarcated as Wildlife Sanctuary not will any agricultural activity be permitted therein. Besides, hunting, shooting, fishing and quarrying in the area is also prohibited.

Anybody found indulging in the prohibited activities will immediately be arrested and placed behind bars, warns the notice.

Sarpanchas of all six villages refused to comment on the matter claiming that their political masters have instructed them to remain silent on this issue.

Pandurang Naik from Karonzol in Savorde panchayat while pointing out that his family has been living there for generations said: “We shall not leave our village, let them do what they can as we are willing to die to protect our land,”

Sagi Dohifode, a septuagenarian woman from Bandirwada village lamented that nobody has bothered to inform her or others in her neighbourhood about the changed status.

“No official of any department has come to our ward till date to tell us anything about this area being declared a sanctuary or a tiger reserve,” she said while asserting that she will not leave her place.

Herald Goa