30 Jun 2024  |   02:49am IST

Anjuna cops treat HC instructions on noise pollution like outside noise

Complaints made by identified local residents on helpline 112 are registered and then closed without a single cop arriving at the spot
Anjuna cops treat HC instructions on noise pollution like outside noise


VAGATOR: The Action Plan to regulate and control the noise pollution under the Noise Pollution (Regulation and control) Rules, 2000 set by the Goa Bench of the Bombay High Court at Goa is virtually action less.

Nightclubs, restaurants and other under the radar party venues have restarted the routine of parties, mostly techno, with every aspect of the action plan flouted.

“Enforcement of Noise Pollution Rules is simple matter, as simple as enforcing a speed limit. You do not need fancy monitoring stations or highly specialised equipment. All the police need is a sound level meter. If they find a violation, they can proceed as per the Act and also confiscate equipment,” believes Darshan Bhatia who wants to sleep peacefully in the privacy of his home.

According to locals, last Friday night, loud music was played till the early hours at Romeo Lane, Raeeth, Noah, Diaz and House of Chapora in Vagator.

A call was made to 112 by Dr Inacio Fernandes from outside Noah at 11.20 pm. Dr Fernandes, thereafter, received a message that read: “Dear caller, GA07G1628 with number 7030935457 has been assigned to assist you for your call bearing ID 238246. We will reach you shortly."

Having waited till midnight outside the night club and with no sign of any assistance, Dr Fernandes called 112 again and he was advised to contact Anjuna Police Station on 0832223233.

The policeman attending the phone from Anjuna Police Station, initially seemed unaware of the location assigned to the beat cop and after an interaction with his colleagues stated: “He has gone to Chapora and will reach your place later.”

Dr Fernandes waited outside Noah till 3 am and with the police not appearing returned home to receive a message at 8.02 am which read: "Dear caller, your request to 112 238250 is closed. Hope your issue is resolved.”

“I called 112 asking them why I got the message when the issue wasn’t resolved. They said, they got feedback from Anjuna Police Station that the issue is resolved,” said a disgruntled Dr Fernandes.

“The police in Goa appear to be the only force in the country that has neither respect for the Supreme Court or High Court,” concluded Dr Fernandes who finds it easier to get sleep in Mumbai than in Anjuna.

The Goa Bench of the High Court at Goa had, in a judgment delivered on December 15, 2021, in PIL WP No 7 of 2021, issued directions- to the Chief Secretary, the Collector, the Deputy Collector & SDM North, SP North, PI Anjuna Police- “for taking steps to regulate, curb and control noise pollution.” (See Box)

“I have personally experienced the complete apathy of the Anjuna Police last December when I had to go personally at 3 am. The only inference a logical person can make is that there is severe corruption at several levels and specifically within the Anjuna Police Station in particular,” alleges Bhatia.

“It is not just the police, but the GCZMA that has a hand in allowing clubs like Romeo Lane singled out for demolition to operate and play loud music at night,” alleges Sagar Sirsaikar, one of the several petitioners in cases against establishments contributing to noise pollution and the lack of state response thereof.


Idhar Udhar