Benaulim locals want illegal construction activities by migrants stopped

Demand a thorough investigation by the panchayat; to file a petition in the court seeking action
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MARGAO: Citizens of Benaulim voiced serious concerns on Tuesday regarding alleged illegal construction activities by migrants at Tolleband-Benaulim. They called upon the authorities to take immediate measures to halt these activities and enforce the law effectively.

It has come to attention that small huts previously built on the traditional band known as Tolleband, near the ongoing work of the western bypass, are now being transformed into substantial concrete structures. This transformation has raised concerns among locals about potential unauthorized construction activities and their impact on the area.

Xavier Pereira, Sarpanch of the Village Panchayat Benaulim, clarified that his office has not issued any permissions for the construction of houses in the mentioned area. However, he acknowledged that there is an ongoing case before the concerned authorities regarding the regularization of the structures.

Shockingly, despite being aware of the ongoing construction activities, the concerned authorities have not taken any action to address the situation. This lack of intervention has left residents and community members dismayed, as they continue to witness unauthorized development proceeding unchecked.

Citizens of Benaulim have also reported that construction materials are being clandestinely brought in during late evening hours to avoid detection. Consequently, what were once simple huts have now been converted into concrete structures resembling houses, all without obtaining any permission from the authorities.

Cruz Fernandes, a citizen of Benaulim, voiced strong criticism against the authorities for permitting illegal activities at Tolleband. He expressed deep concern over the lack of enforcement and oversight, which has allowed unauthorized construction to proliferate in the area.

"Initially, there were only a few huts built on the existing band in this area. It held traditional significance," he alleged.

"However, over time, the land was acquired by migrants. Now, what one can observe is a concrete structure in its place, and shockingly, this has been done without obtaining any permission," he continued

He demanded that the local panchayat should thoroughly investigate the alleged illegalities and take immediate action if violations are confirmed.Fernandes also said that he will be filing a petition in the court seeking action.

Reacting to the issue, Xavier Pereira, Sarpanch, informed that several years ago, a few residents of Tolleband had approached the concerned authorities requesting regularization of their structures.

However, he clarified that to date, the panchayat office has not received any formal orders indicating that such requests have been approved or passed.

"Presently, nobody has formally complained about the issue, but the panchayat will certainly investigate the alleged illegalities and take appropriate action," he stated.

Sarpanch also clarified that the panchayat has not granted any permissions for construction activities at Tolleband.

Herald Goa