Light-house at Campal is under threat of forced extinction

Light-house at Campal is under threat of forced extinction
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The internationally acclaimed  path  indicators to the voyagers and mariners and others,  have  been well recognized and of the crucial  importance due to their intrinsic values in guiding the Captains of the sea men in ensuring safety of their travels.  

It becomes, therefore, the duty of the governances, to take utmost care in safeguarding and protecting such of the lifesaving installations, known as, Light-houses, and keep them well  maintained and serviceable. 

Surprisingly, the decades old Light-house in Campala has been under serious condition with the  threat of extinction. 

The port authorities or the government,  as the case may be , need to urgently act upon  to save this esteemed installation, at Campala, from being getting collapsed to the ground.

Herald Goa