Political influence must not hold back development of Salvador do Mundo

Political influence must not hold back development of Salvador do Mundo
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Locals have been demanding that the village panchayat of Salvador do Mundo do up the interior road passing through Umbra, Quitla vaddos to join at the intersection near the ruins of Serula communidade building. 

A little patch work has been done here and there but that's not sufficient to keep safe lives of the general public. 

In most places, the road has been cut across to provide water connection to the locals. This causes, particularly two wheelers and vehicles to bump into each other. 

We are given to understand that the road has been approved and passed for hot mixing but some political influence is holding back the work for unknown reasons. This is criminal and an inhuman act seeking self interest.

This being election year, funds have been allocated for development purpose and most roads have been done. 

Why should we, the villagers of Salvador do Mundo, be the victims for no reason. The concerned authority must look into this problem and our road travelling inconvenience and do up the road on priority. 

Herald Goa