01 Jul 2024  |   06:34am IST

Seraulim underpass flooded with the rains

Seraulim underpass flooded with the rains

Vinay Dwivedi Benaulim

With the first spell of rain, the Seraulim underpass has been inundated and it has become very difficult for vehicles to negotiate the stretch. 

Wrong highway engineering has contributed in no small measure to this fiasco with erroneous road chambers and mismatched slopes. The Benaulim Western Bypass is another disaster in the making and a criminal waste of taxpayer's money. 

Nationally too the scene is no different. Consider the flooding of the Ayodhya railway station, leakage from the newly inaugurated Ram temple roof and the collapse of the Delhi airport terminal canopy and you will understand where we are headed. 

Can we not get anything right in new India?


Idhar Udhar