01 Jul 2024  |   06:35am IST

Why is Sangolda panchayat turning a blind eye to illegalities?

Why is Sangolda panchayat turning a blind eye to illegalities?

Lourenco Sousa Sangolda

There is rampant mud filling going on in the fields at Sangolda despite the matter pending before the Honourable High Court. Even some panchas have allegedly constructed structures in communidade fields and rented them out for pecuniary benefits. 

One wonders how the Electricity Department and PWD grants permissions for water connections to these structures. 

Communidade fields are divided and subdivided in plots, sold and monstrous structures crop up in once pristine fields by the roadside. The end result is natural waterways are blocked, the adjacent fields are inundated and farmers forced to abandon their land. 

Worse still, the Sangolda panchayat has failed to maintain and clear the stormwater drains that have been choked with weeds and plastic for almost two decades but is quick to construct unwanted roads through the fields. By doing so, the panchayat becomes the abettor in the illegalities. 

If the authorities mean business then, the grassroots rulers should help farmers rather than helping the violators off the land. Only then, agriculture will get a boost. If not, green fields will turn grey soon.


Idhar Udhar