22 May 2020  |   05:37am IST

Desilting of major nullahs in Vollant commences

Desilting of major  nullahs in Vollant commences

Team Herald

VASCO: The pre-monsoon work of desilting major nullahs in Vollant-Cortalim area, commenced on Thursday.

It may be recalled that following reports of water logging in the area, Cortalim MLA Alina Saldanha in a letter to the South Goa Collector requested him to take up the desilting of nullahs and accordingly the work was assigned to the Water Resources Department recently.

In a statement, Saldanha said the pre-monsoon desilting of nullahs has started in Cortalim. During the last monsoon, water from the nullah at Vollant overflowed and as a result, three houses in the area were flooded causing inconvenience and loss of property.

The MLA informed that she wrote a letter requesting the Collector (South Goa) to take up this urgent desilting work under disaster management and accordingly, the WRD has been assigned to do the work of desilting wherever necessary and clearing the bottlenecks to allow for free flow of water.

 She said a proposal of de-silting the entire nullah from Vollant upto Thana in Cortalim has been taken up by her through WRD, which will be tendered soon. Due to COVID-19lockdown, the file is pending. However, the file will be moved to ensure that this work is done.



Idhar Udhar