Diksha’s dad suspects dowry as main reason for her murder

Diksha’s dad suspects dowry as main reason for her murder
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MARGAO: The father of 27-year-old Diksha Ganganwar, who was allegedly killed by her 29-year-old husband Gaurav Katiyar, in an application submitted to the Cuncolim Police, has suspected dowry harassment to be the reason behind his daughter’s murder. However, Cuncolim Police have ruled out such possibility adding that no evidence has come on police record as yet while investigating the case.

Cuncolim PI Diogo Gracias said the deceased’s father has made an application stating that he is suspecting  dowry harassment but no documentary evidence was provided to substantiate this charge.

He further stated that Diksha’s family members, hailing in Uttar Pradesh, have not lodged any police complaint of dowry death.

According to PI Gracias Diksha had arrived in Goa on January 16 and prior to that she was residing in Uttar Pradesh.

The police said the girl’s family members in their statement to the police admitted that they have not lodged any complaint with the police of dowry harassment.

The Cuncolim Police said that in due course of time they will contact their Lucknow counterparts to find out whether any complaint was lodged by either of the parties. 

Diksha’s body was handed over  to family members on Monday following the post-mortem examination at the South District Hospital, Margao.

Police said that as per preliminary post-mortem report, her nose and neck were pressed resulting in her death. Some minor injuries were seen on her chest, the police said adding that  Diksha’s body will be flown to Lucknow.

It may be recalled that Diksha, who hailed from Sharda Nagar,  Lucknow was murdered last week  at Cabo de Rama  beach allegedly by her husband Gaurav.

Gaurav came to Goa in December 2023 and celebrated New Year  while his wife reached  Goa  on January 16  and was killed within three days  by him on January 19at Cabo de Rama in broad daylight.

Gaurav has been medically examined as police found some injuries on his body.

Cuncolim Police have registered a case under Section 302 of IPC as murder  and so far no other section has been added.

A senior police officer said that there is a procedure under Section 176 of CrPC that if a woman dies within seven years of marriage, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate is empowered to hold an inquiry.

The Sub Divisional Magistrate first conducts an inquest panchanama of the body after visiting the  hospital  and later commences the inquiry and submits a report to police station incharge giving his/her observation and based on that the police initiate further action.

PI Gracias said that according to Disksha’s father all this time she was residing at her in-laws’  place.

Police said that the accused did not bring his family to Goa when he was working here earlier as he was drawing less salary. However, now that he was appointed as restaurant manager he called his wife to join him.

According to Colva Police, neighbours heard the couple quarrelling in the rented premises in the village. Gaurav was paying a rent of Rs 10,000 per month. The couple were also involved in a scuffle at Cabo de Rama.

Meanwhile, Cuncolim Police searched the rented premises where the couple was residing and collected some evidence.

Herald Goa