01 Jul 2024  |   05:58am IST

A mother’s love, sewn with strength

Against all odds, 53-year-old Sabina Noronha single-handedly raised two special-needs children and stitched together a successful tailoring business in Fatorda, proving that love and determination can overcome even the most daunting challenges
A mother’s love,  sewn with strength


MARGAO: As a teenager, Sabina Noronha found solace and joy in sewing clothes. It started as a creative hobby, allowing her to craft unique, handmade outfits for special occasions and work. “I graduated in BCom and got a job at a media agency in Loutolim, booking newspaper ads and doing secretarial work. It was a very enjoyable experience, and I continued working after marriage and throughout my pregnancy,” Sabina recalls.

However, her life was turned upside down when her doctor informed her that her firstborn would be 

severely intellectually disabled. “It was clear that I would have to quit my job after the child was born. So, I went to the office until five days before my delivery,” she says wistfully.

Her husband, who worked at a mining firm, earned enough to support their small family, but Sabina wanted to contribute as well. So, 24 years ago, she started a one-woman tailoring service, working her sewing machine and receiving customers on the patio of her home in Gogol. Leaving the house wasn’t an option since her son Savio was non-mobile and non-communicative. Despite this, her small business thrived locally. “I was constantly busy with orders and could accomplish a lot as my husband Rosario helped with Savio’s care. Then, we had two more children – our other son Jaison is neurotypical, but our daughter Swizi was also born with the same neurodevelopmental disorder, requiring constant attention,” she explains.

The family faced another blow when mining was halted in Goa, causing Rosario to lose his job. Still, they managed. “With my husband looking after the children – cooking, feeding, and cleaning them – I took ‘Sabina’s Tailoring’ to the next level, stitching a wide range of women’s and children’s clothing, including dresses, skirts, and school uniforms,” says Sabina.

Eleven years ago, Sabina’s life was shattered again when Rosario fell ill and passed away the same night. “It came as a huge shock. Suddenly, I was left all alone to fend for myself and my children. But I did not have the time to mourn or wallow in self-pity; I had to soldier on and complete all my pending uniforms as schools were reopening within a few days,” she recalls. “I relied on my middle son, Jaison, who was only nine years old then, to babysit his siblings when I was swamped with orders,” adds 53-year-old Sabina, who prides herself on never letting her customers down by delaying an order.

“Sabina does a neat job, always delivers by the date she promises, and does not waste even a scrap of fabric – if she has leftover fabric, she stitches a small top or baby clothes, or something the customer can use, which is a great value add,” says Stella, a loyal customer who dropped in to pick up an order.

Sabina’s dedicated customers come from across Fatorda and Gogol, with several generations of the same families relying on her services. “I’m glad I had the foresight to make a career out of my hobby, which helped me keep my family afloat during the worst of times. Today, I don’t take on as much work as before, as I also have my elderly parents to take care of, as all four of my brothers have passed away. I have hired an assistant and specialise in stitching saree blouses and salwar-kameez sets, making enough to manage the house,” she says.

Today, Sabina leans heavily on Jaison, who is currently pursuing a physiotherapy course at Goa Medical College. “When he’s home, he ensures that all his siblings’ needs are taken care of and drops his sister at her special school. I can rest assured that he will continue to be responsible for them even after I’m gone,” she says proudly. “I may have faced more than my share of misfortune, but life must move forward. Whatever cards we are dealt, we must face with courage and determination.”


Idhar Udhar