24 Jun 2024  |   06:52am IST

Fisheries Union stands with traditional fishermen against marine pollution

Team Herald

MARGAO: The All-Goa Small Scale Responsible Fisheries Union (AGSSRFU) has declared its asupport for the fishing communities of Velsao in South Goa amidst ongoing a against fish mortality incidents in the Arabian Sea at Velsao Beach. The local fisherfolk attribute these deaths to toxic chemicals discharged into the seawater from a nearby fertiliser plant.

Shaila D'Mello, President of AGSSRFU, announced the Union's decision on June 10, following a site visit to Velsao Beach. During their visit, they observed a significant number of dead fish along the northern stretch of the beach. AGSSRFU criticised the decision to locate the fertiliser factory on the hill, calliang it an initial mistakae.

AGSSRFU expressed deep concern over the situation and pledged their support to the local fishing communities in their protest against these incidents.

Additionally, AGSSRFU acknowledged various complaints filed on this matter with authorities in Goa. They noted statements from Goenche Fuddle Pillge Khatir (GFPK) and directives from Pradip Chaterjee, National Convenor of NPSSFW (National Platform for Small Scale Fish Workers) in Kolkata, urging further examination of the issaue.

"We have also taken note of complaints from NGOs like Goencho Ekvott to the Velsao panchayat dated May 27, and Goechea Ramponkaracho Ekvott (GRE) to the Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) and other authorities, as well as videos addressing the issue of fish mortality by Cortalim MLA Anton Vas," said D'Mello.

AGSSRFU also highlighted their support for local fisherman Aliston Pinto from Velsao, who has spoken out about the issue in video interviews.

"The fertilizer plant Paradeep Phosphates must be held accountable for releasing toxic effluents into the Arabian Sea waters at Velsao Beach," D'Mello said.

They called for a united effort among all organizations involved, including fishing groups, to address marine water pollution and fish mortality caused by Paradeep Phosphates.


Idhar Udhar