For fourth time, PMC plans to auction vacant shops in Ponda Market Complex

Only 26 out of 154 shops are currently in use; municipality has lost out on revenue for 13 years; Ponda councillors claim rates set by PWD are too high for small Goan businessmen
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PONDA: In a nearly hour-long discussion, the Ponda Municipal Council (PMC) once again decided to conduct an auction for approximately 128 vacant shops and offices in the Ponda Market Complex, with rates set by the Public Works Department (PWD).

Inaugurated in 2011, the market complex, constructed with crores of public funds, has been largely underutilised. Out of 154 total units, only 26 shops are currently operational, while the remaining units, including 40 offices, two stalls, a hall with a 500-seat capacity, and three flats, lie vacant. This has resulted in a significant loss of expected revenue over the past 13 years, turning the complex into what many consider a ‘white elephant’ project. The rates for some shops are reportedly set around Rs 7,000 to 7,500 per month as per PWD standards.

The PMC meeting, chaired by Chairperson Anand Naik, included discussions on several key issues. In addition to the auction of the market complex shops, it was decided to auction the sopo tax collection in the market at a base price of Rs 32 lakh for the next seven-and-a-half months. The council also approved the clearing of the file for door-to-door collection for the 2024-2025 fiscal year and decided to add two more floors to the under-construction administrative building 

of the PMC.

Councillor Venktesh Naik noted that this would be the fourth auction attempt for the shops, yet many remain vacant. He suggested that the high rates set by the PWD are a deterrent and proposed that the PMC approach the Directorate of Municipal Administration (DMA) to explain the difficulties faced in making the complex operational. 

Naik recommended that the PMC seek approval to set its own, more affordable rates, lower than those set by the PWD, to attract local Goan businesses. He also mentioned that many local professionals, such as lawyers and doctors, as well as societies in Ponda, could be accommodated on the complex’s top (fourth) floor if offered affordable rates.

Herald Goa