19 Jun 2023  |   05:47am IST

G20 Tourism Working Group to endorse Goa roadmap

G20 Tourism Working Group to endorse Goa roadmap

Team Herald

PANJIM: The concluding and fourth meeting of the G20 Tourism Working Group and tourism ministers’ will begin in Goa, on Monday June 19 and go on till June 22.

Addressing a press conference, Union Tourism Secretary V Vidyavathi said that the working group will pass the Goa roadmap for tourism as a vehicle for achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs).

The ministers’ meeting will have G20 tourism ministers’ declaration, she said.

“Under India’s G20 tourism track, the tourism working group is working on five interconnected priority areas of green tourism, digitalisation, skills, tourism MSMEs and destination management,” Vidyavathi said.

These priorities are key building blocks for accelerating the transition of the tourism sector and achieving the targets of the 2030 sustainable development goals, she said.

There will also be side events to discuss issues such as cruise tourism, circular economy of plastic in tourism among others, she said.

The Tourism Ministry’s Additional Secretary Rakesh Verma said the registration of 150 delegates from eight countries has been confirmed for the meeting.

There will be bilateral meetings during the event, including one between India and the US, he said.

In the concluding meeting, G20 member nations, invited countries and international organisations will welcome and endorse the nearly finalised versions of both the documents – Goa roadmap and tourism ministers’ declaration, the official said.


Iddhar Udhar