Garbage black spots in Khareband, Rawanfond leave residents frustrated

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MARGAO: The Margao Municipal Council is struggling to manage the mounting garbage menace in Khareband and Rawanfond. Despite continuous efforts to clean and maintain these areas, garbage black spots persist, posing a nuisance for the local community.

In Khareband, both Goans and migrants have been observed discarding their waste within the premises of the Konkan Railway Station. In Rawanfond, the area near the overbridge remains a notorious black spot for garbage accumulation.

On Saturday, the civic body launched a major cleaning drive in Khareband, successfully removing several truckloads of garbage from the Konkan Railway premises. Despite this effort, locals press 

for sustained waste management practices and stricter enforcement to ensure long-term cleanliness and hygiene.

Locals have expressed frustration over the situation. Sandeep Naik, a resident of Margao, highlighted the impact on visitors arriving at the Margao railway station. "The scene here is pathetic and disturbing. Those contributing to the mess seem to forget that hundreds of passengers from other States entering Goa at Margao railway station are closely observing these conditions," Naik said. He also pointed out that it is unfair to blame the civic body entirely, as locals also play a role in the problem.

Pooja Shirodkar, another local, described the garbage mismanagement in Rawanfond. "This has been going on for the last few years. People from outside the town and those involved in commercial activities are dumping their garbage here. How can the Municipality be expected to keep a watch over this area all the time?" she questioned.

Herald Goa