Guv, CM extend I-Day greetings

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Team Herald

PANJIM: Governor P S Sreedharan Pillai and Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has extended their heartiest greetings and warm wishes to the people of Goa. On the occasion of Independence Day.

Pillai in his message, said. “We remember with great gratitude the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters in the Indian National movement. We pay our respects to them for securing our valuable independence from colonial rule.” 

”It is because of their sacrifices that India has become the largest democracy in the world.”

“On this momentous occasion, let us rededicate ourselves to the ideals on which our nation was founded and reflect upon the values and principles that form the foundation of our country. Let this day be not just a symbolic occasion, but a day on which every Indian across the globe can take pride and commit to making our nation greater in the global arena,” he said.

Chief Minister Pramod Sawant in his message, said, “Independence Day is an occasion to reconnect with our history. Independence Day reminds us that we are not merely individuals, but we are part of a great community of people.”

“India is the Mother of Democracy and since ancient times we had democratic institutions functioning at the grassroots. But long years of colonial rule wiped them out. On 15th August 1947, the nation woke up to a new dawn. We not only won freedom from foreign rule, but also the freedom to rewrite our destiny,” he said.

Herald Goa