01 Apr 2018  |   06:53am IST

Herald’s epaper is free to access again

BSHSE chairman does not accept students’s view, says it was average difficult

From the evening of March 31, your Herald’s epaper is free to access once again. After having decided to have a subscription pay wall with a choice of a one month and three month package to access Herald’s epaper, we have stepped back, in the wake of a resounding majority of readers, in India and around the globe asking us to let the epaper be accessed freely, as it always was.

While we had taken a decision, three months ago, to partially underwrite growing costs to maintain and develop digital properties, we realised that the voice of the people, is all that matters. We received several emails, text messages and letters stating that an unlimited access without the barriers of subscription payment, was needed and sought for Herald’s readers for whom their paper is their information lifeline. We have paid heed to their wishes.

At the same time, we wish to thank all our subscribers, who came on board as paying subscribers, not wanting to miss out on Herald at all. We are humbled by their support.

Enjoy the epaper. It’s all yours to access without any barriers, while we continue to push the barriers of excellence in journalism to bring you the very best of Goa, the nation, the world, and the worlds of sports, business and riveting features, as you have been used to for years. 

- Editor 


Idhar Udhar