IIT Goa holds Indo-French workshop on marine science and technology

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PANJIM: IIT Goa recently organised the Indo-French Workshop on Marine Science and Technology – Collaborative Research Directions and Outcomes for India and France with the aim to energise activities that would contribute to the country’s blue economy plans. 

It was funded by the Indo-French Center for Promotion of Advanced Scientific Research (CEFIPRA) which is a joint Indo-French body funded by the governments of India and France. 

The workshop resulted in a meeting of GOAT (Goa Atlantic) partnership which is headed by IIT Goa and has several academic and research institutions from the Brest region of France. Multiple French institutions like Ecole Navale, Universite Occidentale de Bretagne (UBO), École Nationaled' Ingénieurs de Brest (ENIB), ENSTA Bretagne, Brest Technopole and companies like Exail participated in the workshop. 

Highlighting the significance of the workshop, Prof B K Mishra, Director of IIT Goa, expressed enthusiasm about fortifying collaboration with institutions in the Brest region, a hub for maritime research in France. He underscored the potential benefits for Goa’s education, research, and startup ecosystem, aligning with Government of India’s vision of the blue economy. 

Prof Mishra further revealed plans for a joint master’s degree in marine science and technology under the Indo-French Bilateral Dialogue, proposed during discussions in France last year.

Prof Sharad Sinha, Head of International Relations at IIT Goa, emphasised the institute’s active engagement in international platforms such as Sea Tech Week 2022 in France. 

He highlighted ongoing projects with French institutions, supported by both CEFIPRA and the French Embassy in India. Prof Philippe Maurin, Attache for Scientific and Academic Cooperation, discussed scholarship and higher study opportunities in France during the workshop.

Appreciating the workshop's outcomes, Prof Nitin Seth, Director of CEFIPRA, hailed the centre’s role in fostering Indo-French collaboration in science and technology. 

He lauded discussions on joint academic programs related to the blue economy, emphasising the potential to strengthen scientific and industry-ready manpower in both countries.

Herald Goa