NIO scientist gets prestigious Indo-German award for AI in oceanography

Senior Scientist Sadaf Ansari wins WISER Award 2024; to undertake three-year study on use of Artificial Intelligence for ocean monitoring, in Germany
NIO scientist gets prestigious Indo-German award for AI in oceanography
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PANIM: Sadaf Ansari, Senior Scientist at the Marine Instrumentation Division (MID) of National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) Goa, has been awarded the prestigious Indo-German WISER Award 2024 by the lndo-German Science & Technology Centrę to undertake research in use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in oceanography, in Germany.

The project titled ‘Al-Driven Advanced Plankton Analysis for Ocean Monitoring’ will be conducted with Prof Rainer Kiko, Heisenberg, Professor and Group Leader of the Plankton Biogeochemistry and Dynamics Group at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany. Her project will span three years.

The award is designed to fund innovative research in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Reacting to the achievement, Ansarasi said, “Receiving such awards is very encouraging, as it shows that your research is being appreciated and funded. I am very passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI). This award is a recognition of my hard work, dedication, and contributions to the field of AI in oceanography. It acknowledges my efforts and motivates me to break new ground in my research.”

“Additionally, it provides opportunities for further research and collaboration with the research team in Germany, enabling me to contribute to significant advancements in AI-driven research in the Indian Ocean,” the NIO Senior Scientist told O Heraldo.

Under this award, Ansari will be undertaking a project on ‘AI-driven Plankton Image Analysis for Ocean Monitoring’.

Elaborating on the project, she said, “Plankton are essential components of our oceans. Phytoplankton, the plant plankton, produce oxygen crucial for supporting life on Earth. Zooplankton, the animal component, play a vital role in the biological carbon pump and fish production. Consequently, ocean and climate researchers seek to understand how climate change and global warming affect these organisms.”

However, identifying and counting them is challenging due to their complex morphological features and vast taxonomic diversity. Manual methods are time-consuming, requiring days of manpower and expertise, making them expensive. But AI helps in completing the task on real time basis.

“In 2019, as an AI researcher, I collaborated with Dr Dattesh V Desai, a Biological Oceanographer and Senior Principal Scientist at CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, to address this challenge using AI. Our work has achieved significant success. With the Indo-German WISER Award, we will scale up our efforts,” she said.

Considering AI in oceanography is a recent introduction, what role does AI in ocean research at present and future, especially in India?

“In India, integrating AI into ocean research holds immense promise for sustainable resource management, disaster mitigation, pollution control, and climate research. As technology advances, AI's role in oceanography is expected to expand, providing deeper insights and more effective management of the Indian Ocean,” Nadaf concluded.

Herald Goa