Official ‘contradicts’ CM’s remark on banning certain breed of canines, says domestication may be regulated

AHVS director says just cannot ban dogs but can regulate their domestication; to seek permission for survey on breed of dogs; informs department has written to Centre to allow Goa to have sub categories for dogs
Official ‘contradicts’ CM’s remark on banning certain breed of canines, says domestication may be regulated
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PANJIM: Chief Minister Pramod Sawant’s statement declaring that dogs of specific breed known for their aggression and attacks on humans will be banned in the State ‘may not see’ the light of the day so soon, with a senior official from the Directorate of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services stating that action on the announcement may take some time, adding that it is possible that domestication of certain breed of dogs may not be banned but regulated.

It may be recalled that in a significant announcement aimed at enhancing public safety, Chief Minister, Pramod Sawant had declared that dogs of specific breeds known for their aggression and attacks on humans will be banned in the State.

The announcement was made on World Rabies Day last year as the move was intended to protect residents and visitors from potential harm caused by ferocious dog breeds. By taking such proactive step, State government was prioritising the safety and well-being of its citizens, aligning with the spirit of World Rabies Day, which advocates for rabies prevention and responsible pet ownership.

The chief minister had cited an incident that took place in August last year when a Rottweiler jumped over the gate of a house at Taleigao and attacked two children, leaving one seriously injured.

Speaking to O Heraldo, a senior official said that action on the chief minister’s announcement may take some time and also it is possible that domestication of certain breeds of dogs may not be banned but regulated.

Prasad Volvoikar, Director, Directorate of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, said, “We have to conduct census of dogs and their breeds. Once we know what are the breeds available in Goa only then we can issue the guidelines. The matter is under consideration. However, we just cannot ban dogs. We can regulate domestication of the dogs. Dogs are of two types - domestic and hunting. Already 11 breeds have been declared dangerous in some States. We want to know how many dogs out of total population are dangerous. Is there any other breed in Goa which is not mentioned in already declared dangerous dogs?”

He said, “The Integrated Sample Survey (ISS) is conducted every year but this year we want to conduct the survey in detail to know breeds of the dogs as well. The survey is likely to be held after July this year. Normally breeds are not taken in consideration while census is conducted but we will seek permission for a survey on breed of dogs as well.”

He said the department is planning to propose registration of certain dogs.

“First of all we will have to schedule the dogs and then have some restriction on certain dogs,” he said.

Volvoikar said the department has written to the Central government to allow the State to have sub categories for dogs.

“Once this is done then we will have the clear picture. Then we can say that registration of these dogs has to be made compulsory. We can impose stringent fines if the dog owners fail to do so. However, this will require consultation with local bodies,” he said.

Volvoikar said the department is also planning to have database of dogs so that the canines can be vaccinated on time.

“We should have database of dogs so that when they are due for vaccination or any other dose of medicines. We want to put these systems in place. A committee has been formed for this and it is likely to be done in the next financial year. A system of registration of dogs will be devised and a separate budget allocation will be marked for it,” he said.

The official said that the problem requires collaboration among departments such as Animal Husbandry, Panchayat, Municipalities and IT.

It may be recalled that an evening walk turned had out to be a nightmare for two siblings aged between five and seven years as they were brutally mauled by a Rottweiler in a horrific incident reported in an elite colony at Shivnagar-Alto-Oitiyant, Taleigao, in August last year.

Later, the Panjim police arrested the owner of the dog, Madhav Rao Chawan on charges of negligence. According to the passersby, the ferocious dog had managed to get out of the compound of a bungalow and pounced on the little kids brutally attacking them.

Herald Goa