Open letter to Chief Minister regarding Paroda bridge

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I am writing to bring to your immediate attention a matter of great concern that affects the daily lives of the residents of Avedem, Paroda, Cotombi, Chafi, and Chandor, especially after this year's rains which had water over the bridge at least 5 times.

The existing bridge at Avedem and Paroda, constructed pre-liberation has long served as a critical link for our villages. However, with the passage of time, the structural integrity and safety of this bridge have come into question. Given its age and the increasing volume of traffic it bears, we are deeply concerned about its safety for commuters, particularly the hundreds of students who cross the bridge daily to attend school.

Despite numerous appeals to successive Chief Ministers of Goa and PWD ministers, and their assurances to address our grievances, no substantial action has been taken to construct a new or alternative bridge. The safety concerns of the villagers have been met with empty promises, leaving us in a precarious situation.

In light of these concerns, we earnestly request you to advocate on our behalf to the Public Works Department (PWD) to:

1. Conduct a thorough safety inspection and structural assessment of the existing bridge to determine its current condition.

2. Based on the findings, take prompt and necessary actions to either reinforce the existing structure or, preferably, initiate the construction of a new bridge to ensure the safety and convenience of all commuters.

The urgency of this matter cannot be overstated. Ignoring these safety concerns could potentially lead to a tragic accident, for which the government would be held accountable. We believe that with your support and intervention, we can prevent any such unfortunate incidents and ensure the well-being of our community.

We hope you will take this matter seriously and expedite the necessary procedures to address our concerns. Your prompt action and support in this regard will be greatly appreciated by all the residents of our villages.

I am aware that you have taken this important issue up during the recent assembly session and assured the house that you will direct the PWD department to look into it.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue. We look forward to a positive response and timely action.

Herald Goa