01 Jul 2024  |   07:00am IST

VIP mutation for the kidnap accused Pooja Sharma? Applied on Sunday, certified on Monday

VIP mutation for the kidnap accused Pooja Sharma? Applied on Sunday, certified on Monday


MAPUSA: Pooja Sharma, accused for partly bulldozing the house where the Agarwadekars stay in Assagao, according to details posted on dslr.goa.gov.in website applied for mutation on Sunday, October 8, 2023, and got it certified the next day (October 9, 2023). There is Section 376 Kidnapping) also applied to the FIR against her in a related incident of Prinsha Agarwadekar’s husband and their son being whisked away in a car for three hours and subsequently dumped’.

“What! That is very surprising. How can it be? Can you WhatsApp the screenshot of the document,” shot back Krishna Gauns , Joint Mamlatdar-I , Bardez. After the screenshot was shared, Gauns asked for the mutation number and the village.

“I have crossed checked and it is true that October 8, 2023 is Sunday. Sometimes, applications are sent online from the Sub Registrar Office and this could explain why the entry has appeared on October 8,” was Gauns’s explanation.

“I am not affirming that this is the reason for an entry on Sunday, but just suggesting a possibility,” emphasised Gauns.

“Another thing is to check is whether the mutation was signed by the Sub Registrar as they are now empowered to do so. It need not have necessarily been done from our end,” added Gauns.

Form I & XIV of the property obtained by O Heraldo shows the name of Pooja Sharma as occupant of Survey No. 135 in Assagao, under Mutation N. 90555 and ‘nil’ under the title tenant.

“Assuming the information available on the DSLR website about Mutation No. 90555 of Bardez taluka is true, wherein the mutation request was received on October 8, 2023, which happened to be a Sunday, and disposed off on the very next day, that is October 9, 2023, I feel the same benefit and facility of accepting mutation requests on Sundays and disposing them within 24 hours must be made a norm and extended to all citizens seeking mutation of revenue records to their name,” believes Advocate Savio Correia.

“First , fingers are pointing towards the DGP for the manner in which he has allegedly abetted in the house getting bull dozed and now there is someone in the Revenue Department or the government who appears to bend rules to help this Pooja Sharma,” says angry Assagao villager Charles Fernandes.

“This is shameful. The Sub Registrar registers the sale deed where it mentions she is married, but does not name the individual she is married, but mentions the name of her parents when her husband’s name should have appeared first. The scenario is getting disgusting,” reacted Hanumant Naik, Sarpanch of Assagao.

“Mutations can now be done online and so it could be possible that it was done online on Sunday. I know of cases where locals have got their mutation done in a day or two so would not like to come to any conclusion,” said Roshan Mathias, Director of MOG, a social initiative.

Pooja Sharma still not traceable: Police

PANJIM: The officials of the Crime Branch of Goa Police have not been able to serve notice to Pooja Sharma, the main accused in the Assagao house demolition case, as she was not found at her residence in Mumbai. According to Crime Branch sources, the investigating officers had gone to serve the notice to Pooja Sharma 

in Mumbai, but could not do so, as she was not traceable at her house.

Meanwhile, the Crime Branch officials have found that accused Md Imran Salmani, already arrested in the case, had used forged engine number, chassis number and registration number of the vehicle belonging to Suresh Gauder and used it as genuine. The same vehicle was being used by him for a long time. It was recovered from him during the Assagao case investigation. Hence, another FIR has been registered against Imran under relevant Sections of cheating, forgery and Motor Vehicle Act, sources said. 


Idhar Udhar