04 Jan 2024  |   06:31am IST

When the Late Milagres showed up after his funeral two months ago

Milagres Gonsalves from Malwara-Agasaim now has a death certificate to his name; was buried by his relatives in October
When the Late Milagres showed up after his funeral two months ago

Team Herald

PANJIM: A 59-year-old Milagres Gonsalves from Malwara-Agasaim, who was presumed to be dead and buried by his relatives two months back, returned home on Tuesday.

Milagres was reported missing in September last year and a missing complaint was lodged at the Agasaim police station.

On October 7 last year, the Panjim police recovered an unidentified a male body found lying near the Goa Pharmacy College. 

After completing the formalities the police preserved the body at the Goa Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Bambolim morgue for identification.

A few days later, Milagres’ wife and relatives received information that the police have preserved an unknown body in the GMC morgue for identification. Accordingly the wife and family members visited the GMC morgue and confirmed that it was Milagres’ body.

The relatives then approached the Panjim police and claimed the body. The police, after completing all the legal procedures, handed over the body to the relatives for last rites.

When contacted, Panjim PI Nikhil Palekar said that police handed over the body to the relatives after the latter physically identified and confirmed that it was Milagres’ body. The family told the police that Milagres had a ‘Cross’ tattoo on one of his hands and that the body too had a similar tattoo.

According to the police, Milagres was suffering from schizophrenia and was under medication in the Institute of Psychiatry and Human behaviour (IPHB), Bambolim.

PI Palekar further said that the body which was handed over to the relatives was also an unclaimed body, which was to be disposed of.

Meanwhile, it is learnt that after his discharge from the IPHB, the relatives brought and admitted Milagres to a shelter home. The Panjim police have now asked the GMC authorities to make corresponding changes in their records.


Idhar Udhar