Wholesale, retail fish sellers cross swords over use of SGPDA market

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MARGAO: The wholesale fish market erupted in controversy over the issue of retail fish sales. Maulana Ibrahim, President of the Wholesale Fish Market Association, and a contractor hired by the South Goa Planning and Development Authority (SGPDA) to collect sopo fees clashed over this issue and other related concerns.

Tensions escalated when wholesale fish traders claimed seven fish-laden vehicles couldn’t enter the market due to space occupied by dozens of illegal retail fish vendors, mostly migrants. Ibrahim refuted this, asserting that no fish vehicle enters the State without being checked at the border. He stressed that fish must be tested by FDA teams at both the borders and the wholesale market.

Wholesale traders emphasized that the market is designated for wholesale activity only, and retail sales by vendors, especially migrants, are not permitted. Ibrahim accused illegal vendors of conducting business for personal gain, claiming that lakhs of rupees generated in the market are not fully reported to the SGPDA. The contractor, having taken over fee collection four months ago, questioned why migrant vendors hadn’t been removed earlier.

Migrant vendors argued they had been selling fish in the market for years and should be allowed to continue if traditional fishermen are permitted to sell in retail. However, critics argued that migrants, primarily working as porters, should not be allowed to sell fish in the wholesale market.

Traditional fisherwomen, led by Liberata Fernandes, insisted that Goan fishermen should not be equated with migrant vendors. Fernandes noted that traditional fishermen have long sold their catch in the market and that former Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar had permitted them to conduct business there. Later in the day, the SGPDA member secretary inspected the market to address concerns about poor cleanliness and hygiene. The contractor assured the implementation of various cleanliness initiatives but blamed waste issues on those discarding materials improperly.

Herald Goa