Candle Lite Battle Continues For Second Day; clubs care a damn

Candle Lite Battle Continues For Second Day; clubs care a damn
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ANJUNA: The people's fight against noise pollution continues for the second day on Friday –day and night. Despite Acting Anjuna PI Paresh Naik’s and MLA Delilah Lobo’s assurances, the loud music started after 2 am on Friday.

Locals stated that the club lobby is so powerful that Acting Anjuna Police Inspector Paresh Naik was stopped from entering Raeeth club for 15 minutes. Only because of pressure from the crowd he was allowed to enter, after the people made noise.

 Hundreds of villagers from Anjuna, Vagator, Chapora, Assagao and nearby areas held a massive candle lite vigil on Independence night to ensure that there is no blaring music played by the clubs in the area, beyond 10pm.

However this had no effect. The determined people have resolved to have candle lit vigil for the second day and night running, on Friday --day and night.

People argued with Acting Anjuna PI Paresh Naik that music was being played beyond 10pm, which the PI denied.

One senior citizen said we sleep early the music should not be beyond 55 decibels before 10pm. Another citizen said, no music can be played without sound monitoring equipment installed at the club, as directed by the High Court.

Herald Goa