27 Dec 2023  |   12:34pm IST

Curca Fishermen Rally Against Illegal Fish Sales: Submit Memorandum to Director of Fisheries

Curca Fishermen Rally Against Illegal Fish Sales: Submit Memorandum to Director of Fisheries

Team Herald

In a bold move to address the growing concerns surrounding illegal fish sales, the fishermen of Curca have united to demand action against those operating without the required fish-selling cards. The community, spearheaded by local leaders, submitted a memorandum to the Director of Fisheries, urging immediate intervention to curb this unlawful practice.

Recent months have seen an increase in the number of roadside fish vendors operating without the necessary licenses in Curca. This has raised concerns among the local fishermen who abide by the regulations and possess valid fish-selling cards issued by the authorities.

Frustrated by the impact of these illegal activities on their livelihoods and the integrity of the fishing industry, the fishermen of Curca organized a collective effort to address the issue. Representatives from the community rallied to voice their concerns and demand strict enforcement of regulations.

A delegation of Curca fishermen, led by community leaders, submitted a memorandum to the Director of Fisheries, outlining the extent of the problem and the urgent need for corrective measures. The memorandum highlighted the adverse effects of unlicensed fish sales on the local economy and the potential risks to public health.

Speaking about the issue Fisherman expressed their commitment to upholding the standards set by the fisheries department. "We have always adhered to the rules and regulations governing our profession. It is disheartening to see a few individuals jeopardize the reputation of our trade. We trust that the authorities will take swift action to address this issue and restore the integrity of our local fishing community."

Meanwhile, In response to the memorandum, the Director of Fisheries assured the Curca fishermen that the matter would be thoroughly investigated. The director emphasized the department's commitment to maintaining a fair and regulated fishing industry, pledging to take appropriate action against those found violating the law.


Idhar Udhar