12 Jan 2024  |   04:28pm IST

Foreign Tourist Injured in Bull Attack Raises Safety Concerns Amidst Government's Tourism Promotions

Foreign Tourist Injured in Bull Attack Raises Safety Concerns Amidst Government's Tourism Promotions

In a stark reminder of the safety challenges faced by foreign tourists in Goa, a 79-year-old British visitor, Yvonne Morrish, was left injured after being gored by a bull while walking on Benaulim beach. The incident has sparked concerns about the effectiveness of the state government's tourism promotions, as such occurrences continue to pose risks to travelers.

Yvonne Morrish, who has been staying alone in a Benaulim hotel since January 2, had been enjoying her daily walks along the picturesque beach. However, her routine took a tragic turn on Thursday when a commotion ensued on the beach, triggered by a dog chasing a bull. Unaware of the unfolding events, Morrish turned around to investigate, only to be attacked by the agitated bull.

According to local shack workers, the bull, disturbed by the chasing dog, gored Morrish in the thigh with its horn, causing her to fall and sustain injuries to her head and leg. Witnesses at the scene promptly called for an ambulance, and with the assistance of locals, Morrish was carried on a stretcher from the beach to the main road. She was subsequently transported to the South Goa District Hospital.

Head Constable Sandesh Gadker of Colva Police visited Benaulim beach and recorded Morrish's statement at the hospital. Gadker mentioned that the British national, scheduled to depart on February 7, recounted the harrowing incident that unfolded during her routine walk.

In a courageous act, a lifeguard who intervened to rescue Morrish also faced the wrath of the bull. The police are currently working to identify the owner of the bull, presumed to have strayed and reached Benaulim beach. Despite Morrish's statement being recorded, no case has been registered at this point. Authorities state that Morrish was later shifted to a private hospital in Margao for further medical attention.

The incident has brought into question the safety measures in popular tourist spots, as concerns grow about the welfare of visitors in the wake of such incidents. Critics argue that the government's focus on tourism promotion, including overseas roadshows and junkets, should be coupled with rigorous safety measures to ensure the well-being of tourists exploring the coastal state.


Iddhar Udhar