29 Feb 2024  |   02:31am IST

Illegal Drug Possession Leads to Arrests in Canacona and Assagao

Drugs worth Rs. 1,74,840 in Canacona and Rs. 2,00,900 in Assagao seized
Illegal Drug Possession Leads to Arrests in Canacona and Assagao

Team Herald

In a recent development on the evening of February 27, 2024, law enforcement authorities in Canacona and Assagao made significant strides in their ongoing efforts to combat illegal drug activities. PSI Suhas Velip of Canacona Police Station filed a complaint on behalf of state against Lee Bowers, a British national residing in Canacona, for the alleged illegal possession of 29.14 grams of MDMA, while simultaneously, PI Vikas Deykar of CB Ribandar reported the arrest of Sadrukumar Bind in Assagao, who was found in possession of 2.090 grams of suspected narcotic drug Ganja. 

Canacona, February 27, 2024: PSI Suhas Velip of Canacona Police Station filed a complaint on the evening of February 27, 2024, at 21:04 hrs, alleging the illegal possession of MDMA by a British national, Lee Bowers. According to the complaint, Bowers, a resident of Pagiwada Canacona, was found in possession of 29.14 grams of MDMA at Mohanbag Palolem Canacona. The approximate street value of the seized substance is reported to be Rs. 1,74,840. Following the complaint, Bowers has been promptly arrested by the authorities.


Assagao, February 27, 2024: Simultaneously, at 05:04 hrs on the same day, PI Vikas Deykar of Crime Branch Ribandar reported another case related to illegal drug possession. Sadrukumar Bind, a 25-year-old individual originally from Ravidasnagar, U.P., and presently residing at Assagao Panchayat Nunagwada Bardez, was found in possession of 2.090 grams of greenish-colored flowering and fruiting tops of a plant suspected to be the narcotic drug Ganja. The approximate street value of the seized substance is reported to be Rs. 2,00,900. Sadrukumar Bind has been arrested on charges related to the illegal possession of narcotics at the 4th road junction, Baitawada Assagao.

Both cases highlight the continued efforts of law enforcement agencies to combat illegal drug activities in the region. The accused individuals will face legal proceedings as the investigations unfold. The authorities remain committed to maintaining law and order, ensuring the safety of the community.


Idhar Udhar