Locals net out impressive harvest at Raitollem Lake and Mandovi River

Locals net out impressive harvest at Raitollem Lake and Mandovi River
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In the last 24 hours, a bountiful fish harvest was seen at Raitollem Lake in Curtorim and Mandovi River, Panjim. At Raitollem fisher folks exhibited a huge catch near the river on Saturday, whereas on Saturday night three young boys from Valpoi caught the prized catch of all time that is the Chonak fish.

Raitollem Lake which is popularly known for its fresh fish at Curtorim, witnessed an impressive catch of this year on Saturday. Fisherfolks were seen displaying their catch near the lake as people flocked to the area to buy the fish fresh out of the lake. 

 Fisher folks celebrate the golden catch of this year at RaitollemLakee, in Curtorim. Fisherfolks harvest fish from the lake as the lake is known for its clean water.A varietyy of fish like Chonak, Tigur and Tilapia are harvested in this lake. After the harvesting is done the water removed from the water body is pumped into the fields where the crop has been harvested.

On the other hand, in Panjim, a Giant sea perch or Asian sea bass popularly known as Chonak fish in Konkani, was caught by three young youths from Valpoi in the wee hours of Sunday morning. The fish weighing over 12KGs was netted at Mandovi River.  

As per the youths, the fish was caught at around 2 a.m. on Saturday. With the market price of Chonak ranging from 700-800 rupees per KG, the entire catch is estimated to be whopping around 9 to 10 thousand rupees.  

“Around 2 a.m to 2.30 a.m, we had kept live bait with fresh prawn. Soon we got a catch and it was very heavy. We had to struggle for almost 20 minutes to pull the fish up as the fish was retaliating. Two boys came to our help and with the combined force of everyone, we were able to pull the fish back up. Pulling a 12 KG fish from a bridge is painstaking.” said Mayur Gawas.

Herald Goa