NGO ‘Bailancho Ekvott’ reminds police of their duties to register FIR in the New Vaddem explosion death case

"More delay weakening the case"
NGO ‘Bailancho Ekvott’ reminds police of their duties to register FIR in the New Vaddem explosion death case
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The esteemed NGO Bailancho Ekvott has taken a firm stance, reminding local authorities of their responsibility to uphold the law in the tragic case of the New Vaddem explosion that resulted in a loss of 2 lives. The NGO has urged the police to promptly register a First Information Report (FIR) regarding the incident, emphasizing the need for a thorough investigation into the matter.

The NGO has recently issued a press release stating:

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After 20 days of wait, final rites on dead body of second victim of mysterious blast at New Wadde, Vasco, Mrs. Shivani Rajawat (26 years) performed on Friday (8/12/2023) at Sada Vasco crematorium. Thanks to successful mediation between two families by Murmagao SDM, Mr. Bhagawant Karmali and Vasco SDPO, Mr. Salim Shaikh. It may be recalled that mother -daughter duo died on the spot in mysterious explosion on 18/11/2023 wherein dead body of Jaidevi Chauhan (50 years, mother of Shivani Rajawat) was claimed by her son Mr. Shubham Singh Chauhan on very next day and performed final rites at his native place at Madhya Pradesh.

Further, he requested SDM, Mr. Bhagawant Karmali, not to release dead body of Mrs. Shivani Rajawat (26 years) till the time, it is established whether it is an accident or a murder. Meanwhile on 7/12/2023, Shubham Singh Chauhan came down to Goa and lodged detailed 14 pages formal complaint against Mr.Anurag Rajawat (husband of late Mrs. Shivani Rajawat) with SDM of Murmagao Taluka and PI of Vasco Police Station. In this complaint, he has given detailed accounts of dowry harassment as well as modus of operandi for murder of two ladies among which one was a pregnant lady. At Vasco Police Station, for more than two hours, police refused to inward his complaint. Hence, I took him (Shubham Singh Chauhan) to the office of SDPO Vasco, Mr. Salim Shaikh. He read the complaint, call upon PI Vasco Mr. Kapil Naik and directed him to accept the same. At the same time he assured Mr. Shubham Singh Chauhan that henceforth he himself will monitor further investigation. Similarly. SDM Mr. Bhagawant Karmali called him (Mr. Shubham Singh Chauhan) on next day and recorded his detailed statement nearly for 5 hours. He too assured Mr. Shubham Singh Chauhan that he will submit a fair report to Vasco Police within couple of days so that Vasco Police can take further action. With assurances of fair and speedy investigation from these senior officials, Mr. Shubham Singh Chauhangave NOC to conduct final rites on dead body of Shivani Rajawat. Funeral was conducted in Goa in presence of him as well as family members from other side.

My past experience: People are asking me whether FIR will be registered on basis of this complaint. Legal provision is very clear, once complaint is lodged with proof, FIR has to be registered. If Police does not register FIR, then complainant can go to Court and get FIR register. So, police can take their time but they cannot avoid registering offence.

Similar situation in Siddhi Naik death case at Calangute Police station, parents were claiming that it is murder case but police were not registering FIR.

Finally myself helped family members to prepare a formal complaint and lodged it at Calangute Police Station. Police dragged it for nearly two months and then lodged FIR of murder. Till today case is not solved. Moral of story is that more the delay, case become so weak that justice is denied to families of victims. I hope that Vasco police do not repeat mistake of Calangute Police.

Herald Goa