No Fish Only Plastic: Fishermen demand action on increasing plastic waste in Caranzalem Sea

No Fish Only Plastic: Fishermen demand action on increasing plastic waste in Caranzalem Sea
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The fishermen of Caranzalem were left in shock when they netted plastic waste along with the fish at Caranzalem beach. Plastic containers, liquor bottles, metal cans and other trash were cleaned from the sea. The fishermen claim that the authorities have turned a blind eye to tourists throwing trash in the sea. 

On Friday morning, like usual the fishermen of Caranzalem went for fishing. But to their surprise, instead of fish, a cluster of garbage was seeped from the sea. This indicates the level of pollution in the sea. Fishermen claim that tourists visiting the beach throw the garbage on the beach. The waste sometimes gets washed away from the beach into the sea. 

“People come here at night time to consume alcohol and throw away the bottles. Not only the locals but tourists visit to party and the waste that is produced through these parties gets accumulated on the beach and into the sea. It is very difficult, for us to fish. Despite knowing the situation the government is not taking any legal action” expressed a frustrated fisherman. 

Further adding to their plight, the fishermen pointed out that the CCTV surveillance which was installed by the authorities poses no purpose as they are un-functional. No official authorities are deployed to conduct patrolling. They claim that they are receiving laid-back behaviour from the government. 

Due to plastic waste being found in abundance in the sea, the quantity and quality of the fish have decreased drastically. This in turn has affected the fishermen’s livelihood.  The fishermen demand the government deploy an official to do patrolling at least once a week and ensure the sea is cleaned. 

Herald Goa