Sirsai Residents Rally Against MRF Shed Near Village Border, Cite Environmental Concerns

Sirsai Residents Rally Against MRF Shed Near Village Border, Cite Environmental Concerns
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Goa: In a display of community unity and concern for the environment, the people of Sirsai Village have come together to voice their opposition to the construction of an MRF (Material Recovery Facility) shed on the village border. Residents and activists, including Ramesh Gavas, Shankar Polgi, Rajendra Ghate, and numerous other concerned citizens, joined forces to raise awareness about the potential hazards posed by the shed's proximity to a nearby spring.

The assembly of Sirsai residents underlines their determination to protect the local environment and the vital water resources in the area. They have expressed their concerns regarding the potential environmental impact of the MRF shed and its implications for the spring, emphasizing the need for responsible development that safeguards the village's natural assets.

This show of community activism and environmental consciousness highlights the importance of involving local voices in developmental decisions and preserving the natural beauty and resources of Goa.

Herald Goa